Man-Made Global Warming: Real, or a Farce?

Do you believe in man-made global warming?

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While do not say we should sit back and do nothing, I don't think we are serously injuring the planet with our pollution. There are a couple of things you have to realize when listening to people saying how we are constantly setting records for warming trends. One, we've only been monitoring the weather for about 100 years. The earth is a big, slow moving system. You can't expect to see a pattern on the global weather scale in just a hundred years. Two, for the people talking about how we might throw the system out of balance. Consider that the earth IS and system that balances itself; and as others have pointed out, it is much bigger than we are. How can we assume that just because we have a brain we can somehow whoop nature? :p Furthermore, that system was designed to balance included... we are part of the system. So, yes I do think the earth can handle balancing us. The question for us is, what will the earth do to balance what we do and can we survive/live with the result?