You would really read everything I wrote on the sociological and psychological aspect of the men and women. I would not. I wouldn't even read a text book about this. In any case, Men are not from "Mars" and Woman are not from "Venus" we are more related than different but we tend to focus on the differences and that is what separates us and keeps us in the dark of how a relationship could work or even a marriage in this case.
To be blunt: I actually like sociology, anthropology, culture studies, philosophy, and the like, and enjoy a good read. Yes, I actually do enjoy reading sociology and anthropology text books, as I find it endlessly fascinating. I suppose what I'm trying to say is: just because YOU think a certain way, and YOU like something, and YOU dislike something, and YOU have an opinion, does not mean everyone else has the same thinking patterns, likes, dislikes, and opinions.
So back to the first contention I had with you: you can't generalize what All Men Want and What All Women Want based, from what I could gather, on what You and Your Friends in High School and College want, and your (dare I say) limited experiences with women. Just because YOUR parents are married for convenience does not mean you can speak for the entire demographic of the Western World, period. You can only speak from your own experience, what you have observed to be true, and your ~ perspective ~. Period.
Unless, of course, you've actually done some reading and research about sociology, culture, especially related to gender issues, and maybe a little about generational gaps. Perspectives about gender roles certainly have changed since the 60s, and you'll find vastly different ideas between the WWII generation, the boomers, Gen X and Gen Y. As Gen Y, I know my views about the role of women in society is different from my mother, an early Boomer. Even the idea of what marriage is about has changed over the centuries and millenia: Greek and Roman ideas, Judean ideas, Medieval ideas, Renaissance, the rise of Romanticism, the Enlightenment era, Feminism... all these ideas and movements have changed the idea of marriage and gender roles. Certainly, you're aware of all this?
To be honest: I found your statement of "I could go on and write the sociological aspect of woman and man but would anyone read it, of course not." as "I'm a pretentious idiot trying really hard to make people believe that I have some basis for my ideas other than my own limited experiences, and that I might actually be educated about the subject, but in reality I'm just blowing steam. I don't think anyone will call my BS." Well I called it. Let see your cards! Do you REALLY know anything about sociology? If I was really interested in having a well-thought out, educated discussion with you about marriage, gender roles, and the like, would you be able to hold up your end?
Meanwhile, I've noticed that you've suddenly changed tactics. Whereas before you're like "omg men want totally different things than women, women only want money, men only want food, toys, and sex" you are now like "omg people focus too much on the differences between men and women, they aren't really that different" Pffaw. Ok, so... are you trying to say that the differences between what men want and what women want are not altogether that different, that humans in general tend to want similar things, that maybe it's Not That Simple? It's not as simple as Mars and Venus, sex vs. money? Well... who'd have thunk that eh?
Re: Angela
I am glad that you found happiness in your marriage! I think you're view on the modern marriage is more in keeping with reality

With today's ideas of instant gratification and Me First, it sure is hard to find people who believe in Building Things to Last. I hope for many years of success and happiness for you!