Great for taste, poor for health.
I should know, because I am one of the overweight people trapped in that little fast-food web. But that doesn't make me weak or dumb -- I choose to eat it, because I just feel that I only get one life and, damn it, I'm gonna enjoy it.
There is nothing wrong with the company -- its just like any other company. It's not evil or sadistic, insofar that any other for-profit company isn't evil or sadistic. It provides jobs, it provides a service...
I have seen numerous people whine about how society should shut down McDonalds (among other similar chains) to protect America's health and stop their compaign of artery-clogging evil.
But if you really think about it, that's sort of along the same line as shutting down every liquor store to cut down on the number of alcoholics, teenage drinking, and drunk driving -- which claims a life every 36 minutes and injures someone every two minutes (CDC, NHTSA 2006),
or closing _anonymous_ abortion clinics, since (lets face it people) many, many, many, many folks use it solely as just a form of guilt-free birth control. ((Poster acknowledges cases in which rape, health, or law are involved, but honestly feels that these do NOT make up the majority of abortions in most areas.))
It's not going to happen because the populace likes it and doing so will anger some pompous "OMG-dude-thats-against-freedom!" activist.
Wow, that sort of got off topic..hmm...