Tal y como detallan...envio que mi web no funciona...(En el panel de control no estan mis datos)
A ver si me pueden decir algo..
Espero su respuesta...
Saludos y gracias...
Mi web es : http://www.joseluis.x10.mx
We have completed the migrations.
If you are a PRIME SUBSCRIBER and are experiencing issues, submit a support ticket through the account panel.
If you are a FREE HOSTING USER missing any files or databases, please open ONE (1) and ONLY ONE support thread about the issue. We have closed all existing tickets, and we will be working on going through and looking at these issues on an individual basis.
If you are unable to do a certain function using the control panel, or if you have any errors, please use the search function on the forums to try and find a similar thread for the issue. If you find one, please don’t open a new ticket.
We at x10Hosting would like to thank you for your patience and understanding you showed us throughout this migration. The migration was to better serve you, and to help improve the quality of the service at x10Hosting. We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience the migration has caused you.
A ver si me pueden decir algo..
Espero su respuesta...
Saludos y gracias...
Mi web es : http://www.joseluis.x10.mx
We have completed the migrations.
If you are a PRIME SUBSCRIBER and are experiencing issues, submit a support ticket through the account panel.
If you are a FREE HOSTING USER missing any files or databases, please open ONE (1) and ONLY ONE support thread about the issue. We have closed all existing tickets, and we will be working on going through and looking at these issues on an individual basis.
If you are unable to do a certain function using the control panel, or if you have any errors, please use the search function on the forums to try and find a similar thread for the issue. If you find one, please don’t open a new ticket.
We at x10Hosting would like to thank you for your patience and understanding you showed us throughout this migration. The migration was to better serve you, and to help improve the quality of the service at x10Hosting. We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience the migration has caused you.