I don't even play Nintendo anymore, nor xBox, nor PlayStation, nor PSP, nor watch TV anymore because I have websites to deal with, forums to post on, and most of all...YOU TUBE!!! hahah!
Computer is more useful me, more cheaper. cause I know on internet on a cell phone is too expensive. I get charged 5 cents a KB, which is quite a alot over a period over time.
I use My PC to do everything, thanks to VoIP Technology its actually better to Use it than the phone, plus im always busy at my pc and i get alot of phone calls during buisness hours from people that want jobs done on their websites. So for me i would be using the PC
I will definitely choose computer, as it is free, and fast. like skype, it's P2P, furthermore, I can say/talk on the computer phone for how long I want with just fix broadband fee.