Resolved My login fails to redirect to cPanel

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New Member
Prime Account
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When I login here

I see this:
Welcome back, xxx
Details on your web hosting account are below.
    • Username: elohim
    • Your Domain:xxx
I click on Open cPanel and I get:
Sign in Successful
Please standby while transfer you to your web hosting account.
An error has occurred forwarding your sign in. Retry

I saw the notice about migration not sure if this caused it? I can't tell if my account is suspended or in a weird state. I have not used it in a while - used to be on Premium but I can't find billing info to confirm.



I am just me
Staff member
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My information says you at some point bought Prime, which is not the same as Premium.

Prime, which was a free hosting upgrade, was paid for one year at a time if I'm not misinformed.

The upgrade haven't been sold for many years now however and no invoices to renew has been going out (though I know some might have had a recurring payment set FROM their paypal).

I know most users who were on it at the time it was discontinued was able to keep the forum status and to some extent they have been exempt for suspensions due to inactivity up until now.

During end of first week in March, as part of our maintenance that was announced in mid December, we purged all accounts that had no login activity during the last 60 days prior, your account was well outside that 60 day mark and even more so outside of the 30 day requirement for free hosting. Prior to our purging you last logged into your account on November 20th.

Initially we said cutoff for restores would be one week, purge was started on the 4th or March, meaning in reality we should not restore anyone past Sunday 15th, though we extended it a little bit extra, but it was said that the last cutoff date would be on Sunday 22nd.

You're lucky though that the restore is still possible for your account.
I'm running the restore now and the account should be good to go in a few minutes.
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