k, your porfolio design is fine. Its simple, unique, straight and to the point, exactly what it should be. Truth be told, its the best out of everything you've got, which is the way it should be.
You need some lessons in css and content arrangement, though apparently you've got graphics design down pat pretty well, not to say there isn't room for improvement. There's always room for improvement. But out of your work, your logos are the best you've got. The sites aren't very impressive.
I'd suggest taking a look through
http://www.alistapart.com and reading up on some CSS and content management techniques to improve your website design, but keep it up with the graphics. Good stuff.
And for those of you who're confused, he's using a very common image technique...i forget the original script title, but I've seen that a thousand times before with peoples portfolios all over the web. Where you click on a thumbnail and it blows the picture up all fading in and pretty like, then gives you the option of clicking next or back depending on which side of the full size image you're pointer is on. Its nothing new, but originality in scripting isn't nearly as important as originality in design, which tysonhardy is apparently trying to accomplish at least.