My review (posted around the internet) of


Community Support Team
Community Support
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Sorry to hear that you are less than satisfied with your service and our customer service.

"They", (I presume you are referring to staff), never suspended your account. Your account was automatically suspended by the system twice due to high system resource usage. It appears that your attempts to install vBulletin were temporarily exceeding the resource allowances for the free hosting servers, but it is possible to install a legal licensed copy of vBulletin on the free hosting servers. Others have successfully done so. You state that you were considering upgrading to paid hosting. Ironically, if you had actually upgraded to Premium service or even or Prime service you would have very likely been able to install and operate your vBulletin with no difficulties at all. You would have also received premium hosting support.

Free hosting support at x10Hosting is community based support provided primarily by volunteer members of the community support team. Members of the community support team and sometimes even staff may read a post in the forums, (including free hosting support), but may or may not immediately respond to the post for any number of reasons. It is entirely possible that members of the community support team, (including Anna), were privately communicating with other members of staff and / or management in an attempt to diagnose and resolve your issue.

If a user requires premium hosting services and the associated premium support services, the upgrade is very affordable, easy, and quick.
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Community Advocate
Community Support
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... and might I suggest that titling your post "wtf is this crap?" [EDIT: the actual title was "wtf crap is this?" -- I certainly don't want to appear to be misquoting on purpose or taking things out of context.] is not an inducement for anyone to hurry right along to help you?
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Abuse Compliance Officer
Staff member
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I find it hilarious too that you're picking out the name of one of the admins who actually helps quite a bit too.

Here's the thing. I've seen vB users install their forums on x10 - vB's installer is one extremely long single-run install file which doesn't put any breaks in to prevent from overloading the server. The reason for this is brutally simple: vBulletin was -never- intended to be used on a free hosting provider.

The irony is from watching a user install it, they just kept being persistent- unsuspend, re-run the install, and it would pick up where it left off. In both cases I watched, they got suspended twice, and the third time never came cause it finished. There are currently a total of 3 legitimate vBulletin installs running on x10 that we've confirmed - none of the 3 have had problems with the vbulletin install ocne they got past the installer itself.


Community Paragon
Community Support
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Why are you all replying to the original post? (S)he's blatantly a pathetic internet troll who obviously can't read the reason for being suspended, or be bothered to investigate further before soiling Anna's name.

Good riddance.

Please note: My views as expressed on the x10Hosting Community Forums (the "Forums") are my own. Anything I discuss on the Forums does not necessarily represent the views and corporate position of x10Hosting, it's staff, or technical partners/providers. YIWWL.