I have worked with many companies who have provided free hosting for people. i would like to know how i didnt even get to get the script installed in 1 hour and the account was already suspended. i feel that it is very unfair and i think a lot of the people here have no skills on how to provide webhosting besides the owners. i have fed up with trying to work with x10hosting as i believe the staff is very incompetent and unworthy. i think x10 should look at what is going on and ask questions before going power happy on their users and just having the enjoyment of pissing off their people. i will say that i will never recommend these services to any person(s). i was pleased in the beginning but now all i have is grief and stress involved with these services. i will be posting on other popular websites that these services are not as good as they seem, but infact are nothing but hearache and stress just to keep them up and running. If the owners wish to speak to me about this situation, contact me on my e-mail. steven_corbin@hotmail.com with the subject "forum post on issue". If i do not recieve a response within the next 5 days, i will start posting over the web and spreading the word that this organization does not provide quality free hosting, but in fact is only a problem that will only get worse as time goes by. you have 5 days to respond or i will be posting and spreading the word over the next if i do not get an e-mail regarding a resolution to this problem.
Today is 6/23/08.
Steven Corbin
Today is 6/23/08.
Steven Corbin