My Warhawk Review


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(I had to edit out some parts because the post was too long. *hint, dev, increase my post character limit? ;))

Warhawk is a new one for Sony. First, it’s a multiplayer game only. Meaning, there is no single player mission. Meaning, if you don’t have internet, you shouldn’t buy this game because you won’t be able to play it. Second, it’s Sony’s first game where it’s distributed through both the PSN as a download, as well as Blue-Ray as a disc. Could this be a sign of a future business model? Who’s to tell but the head honchos at Sony.

The Blue-Ray version of Warhawk has an instruction manual, and some extra trailers for other games as well as the option to play it in LAN Mode. The PSN version costs $40, while the Blue-Ray costs $60 and comes with a Jabra Bluetooth Headset (which is pretty good quality), and it was recently announced that a $40 Blue-Ray version is going to be released without the headset.

Logging into Warhawk is very simple. Go to Online. Accept the Terms. Read the updates, and you’re on. At the main page, you’re presented with the Community Tab, which is where you check your stats, your buddies, and your clans. There’s the Join Game tab, which is self-explanatory. You can create your own game as well. And then there’s the customize tab where you can customize your characters and Warhawks with options (more options are unlocked as you progressed in rank).

Graphic + Sound
Warhawk runs natively on 720p, and is capable of upconverting to 1080i for those with 1080i TV only. Its graphic will not win it any award, but it is far from ugly. The Warhawk are nicely detailed as well as the character model. It is a funny site to see a Warhawk blow up and see the ragdoll of the pilot being flung around. There are a lot of subtleties that you can miss too in this fast-fighting game. For example, the grasses on the hills actually bend and move to the wind. Box-cars are destructible. Warhawk gives off wind-trail whenever it banks (making it useful to track your opponent from behind).

And this is where I shall turn Super Saiyan. Warhawk, as of this moment, has 5 maps to it. No matter what people tell you about how the map size changes depending on the number of people playing them, it’s still 5 maps. It just gets bigger or smaller, and the weapon placement might be different, but it’s still the same geographical buildings and crevices. There are 4 different types of gameplay, which I shall highlight below.

This deathmatch is just like every other deathmatch. It’s a FFA where you shot or stab the enemies closest to you, and winner is the one with the highest points at the end. For people who don’t like teamwork, and just want to think of themselves, you’ll find yourself at home here.

Team Deathmatch
Like the title insisted, it’s the same as deathmatch, except now you’re in a team, and the team with the highest score at the end wins (or the ones that reached the score requirement first). There’s regular TDM, and dogfight TDM. Regular TDM is when you’re in control of your ragdoll character, and can either do ground battles or air. Dogfight TDM is exclusive fighting in Warhawks in the 5 maps.

Game is split between two sides. The objective here is simple. The first team to reach the score requirement at the end wins (or has the highest score). How do you get scores? You control zones, which are basically spawn points spread throughout the map that you have to stand next to, and “claim” it for your team. When you have zones right next to one another, you get more points. Zones go from level 1 to 3. Homebase is always at 3 (unless an opponent is always next to it, which makes it stay at 1). Each zone level means a certain radius of control. The higher your zone level is, the higher its radius is.
The more interconnected zones you have the faster the scores will rise. Get all the zones besides your opponent’s home base and you achieve a world victory ribbon.

Capture the Flag
Another team game, this one is self-explanatory. Your opponent has a flag at their base. To win, you need to go there, get it, and either drive, run, or fly it back to your base. If your flag managed to get taken at the same time, you have to kill the flag bearer, stand at the flag while a bar countdown at the bottom, until your flag is returned back to your base before you’re able to capture your opponents.

The weapons
It ain’t a shooter unless there are weapons. There are 8 weapons for combat troops, and each one has its own used. Knife is a one-hit kill, but you need to be right next to your opponent to hit them. Pistols are short-range destroyers, where if you click fast enough, it can shoot faster than machine guns (and more accurate). Machine guns are medium-long range weapon. Flamethrower is short-range troop, anti-air, and tank busters. Rocker launchers are air, AA, and tank busters. Sniper rifle kills them from afar. Land-mine kills them from up close. And binocular kills them in groups from afar.

For the Warhawks, there are 8 weapons as well. Swarm missiles are quick to lock, but easy to dodge missiles that can be fired up to 8 missiles at once. Homing missiles are long to long, but long-distance and extremely powerful. Air-mine is there to annoy. Lightning gun is used for pesty opponents that keep dodging your missiles as well as those AA that always lock onto you before you’re even in the air. Tow missiles is guide-able missiles that’s godly in CTF. Chaffs are used to dodge missiles. Cluster bomb is for the flag campers. And Stealth is for scouting and annoying.

Along with the aforementioned troops, AA, and aircrafts, there are also the 4 x 4 jeep and the powerful tanks. As you can see, gameplay is not lacking in Warhawk. I can say almost every weapon and every vehicle is perfectly balanced in terms of strengths and weaknesses.

See someone coming at you with a flame thrower? Keep backing away and shoot your pistols and you won’t get a scratch. That annoying troop keep rocket launching you in your pristine Warhawk when you’re at his base? Get a tow missile and guide up his…well, where the sun don’t shine.

By playing in ranked matches, you can earn points as well as various medals, badges, and ribbon awards. Each one has their own preconditions to it. Usually, medals are the hardest to achieve, then badges, and then ribbons. Ribbons you can earn in a single round. Badges can take a few rounds. While medals can take a week or so. They don’t much except just give you bragging rights. Points however, allow you to rank up and earn new ranks. New ranks allow you to unlock customization feature that can make your Warhawk and character even more unique.

Unfortunately, and it’s been happening more lately, is that the game tends to freeze on you. I’ve had it happened to me twice in a day. Hopefully this is just a fluke, and not a sign of things to come.
My favorite gamemode, which unfortunately does not exist anymore, was the 32-player (highest now is 24. Bring it back Sony!) Dogfight room. When you have 16 Warhawks going at one another with all the missiles and guns shooting going around, you can only believe that you’re playing a game and not in an actual war. One of the greatest moments I felt was when I was going through the clouds, and all I see is the blue and red tagmarks of my enemies and friends. As I slowly come out of the clouds from above, I’m immediately hit with Warhawk dodging and shooting and exploding all at once. Rockets trail with smokes.
Machine gun bullets blazed in the air. The only way I can described that moment was Beautiful.

It’s an online game. It’s always replayable! Okay, slight that, it’s replayable most of the time. Of course, you can think that with only 5 maps, it will get boring after awhile, and there is some truth in that. However, with the game only its sophomore month, and the devs hard at work to destroy all the bugs, I don’t think there’ll be new DLC until probably November at the earliest.

But for those who do not mind the 5 maps, there’s a wealth of replayability for the trophy-fantastic. As mentioned above, playing earn you points, and points earn you ranks, and ranks earn you new customization options. Wouldn’t you want to fly around with a Warhawk barring teeth and fangs?
In any case, you can never “beat” Warhawks because there will always be rooms to play on, and people to play with and against. Teamwork is a beautiful thing to see in Warhawk. Join a clan. Communicate. Those that say Warhawk is lacking in replayability fails to see the majestic core of the game from the rough (but getting smoother) exterior.

The Good: Warhawk dog fighting is the closest you’ll get to relive an Independent Day moment. The almost perfect balances of all weapons and vehicles. Superior gameplay and replayability. How addicting it is to just go…1 more round. Warhawk models and slight details in environment. Warhawk dog fighting…oh wait, I mentioned that already.

The Bad:
5 maps. Yes. It’s still only 5 maps. 2 vehicles…3 if you count the Warhawks. Lack of inspiration fighting music. Actually, just lack of overall game music. Game sometime freezes or just goes black.

The Ugly:
Stats bug on launch day. Rank bugs that’s still not fixed (and probably only fixable through a rank and stat resets). People who camp the flags in CTF to get the points instead of actually trying to win. Points-whores who create their own rank server, only lets friend play on it, and farm points to be number 1 in global ranking. Hackers who exploit known bugs in Warhawk.

Final Score:


New Member
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What the hell is a 17/20? Use a more standard fraction for your ratings. Like X/5 or X/10.


New Member
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17/20 is 17/20, lol. What's there not to get?

Standard fraction like x/5 or x/10 is too boring


Active Member
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I love Warhawk, i play it and use my bluetooth headset to communicate at the same time! If anyone here plays Warhawk then could they please PM me so i can add them to my friends list. Thanks


New Member
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you should go to my forum and check out my clan. We got 15 members and is still growing


Active Member
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@Tideas What's your username on the Playstation Network. Oh and i'm a bit of a noob at the game because iv'e only had it for three months now.