x12 is working find from my house: https://x12.x10hosting.com:2222/ must be a local issue? What is your domain?Good morning.
I'm having problems with the server and my website, the x12 server is not opening, I can't get into my website files. When I go to look for them on the internet, the site does not load, what happened?
My domain is (https://bluespace.x10.bz/), it is also not workingx12 is working find from my house: https://x12.x10hosting.com:2222/ must be a local issue? What is your domain?
It is working from my house: https://bluespace.x10.bz/wp/My domain is (https://bluespace.x10.bz/), it is also not working
Como posso desinstalar o WordPress? Quero usar o site com meus códigosEstá funcionando da minha casa: https://bluespace.x10.bz/wp/
Você instalou o WordPress no diretório /wp em vez do diretório / que é o diretório public_html de bluespace.x10.bz.
Good job!My website is working again, thanks!