I don't know of any specific ones. I recomend checking out http://phpfreaks.com if your just starting out. That should help get you started on them both. Also, the actual website, http://mysql.com can be a lot of help.
PhpMyAdmin is just something you have to get used to as you go along. You could read the help docs, I think they are on http://phpmyadmin.com, to help a little.
If you have any questions.. you can PM me, I'll help you the best I can.
one more thing, completely off topic, but, how do you insert a tab or multiple spaces in an html document?
i want to format the document i am making
There are no "tab" "codes" in html. Instead, you have to find other ways to move text the way you want it. You could use a few 's, tables, or css.