if you find anything with a mysql rename the symlink from
S19mysql to K19mysql
the 19 may vary so you would want to do an ls first
renaming is done by mv
mv S19mysql K19mysql
If you are using other linux distros then my advice is for you to locate the folder controlling the runlevel2 daemons. and disable it from there.
if so browse all the other rcX.d folder and check whether your mysql is run there. I had around 3 files in rc2.d folder.
1. S19mysql
2. S17mysql-ndb
3. S18mysql-ndb-mgm
all of which are symlinks...
rcX.d folders contains most start up daemons and are on different run levels if you know what run-level your mysql is starting up with. then go to the corresponding rcN.d folder. I hope this helps. Although I would do the same as Dickey when I want to temporarily disable mysql. If you are running a different flavor of linux can you post here what dist. you are using?