1. fileservervault.com - now available at $8.99
2. fileishere.com - also at $8.99
3. fileacc.com - short for in fileaccount
4. filestoreg.com - sounds like file storage
5. filkeeper.com - short for file keeper
6. filebnk.com - short for file bank
7. fpmsharing.com or fpmshare.com - short for File Picture Message SHARING.
Hope above suggestions helps a little.
Good Luck!

Sorry to write again, just thought of another
8. swift-share.com
9. share-mate.com
10. filesmate.com
i think can try include dashes if the without dashes is taken. but if user missing the dash can end up in wrong site which can be a minor inconvenience.
i think filesmate.com i like it.