Need Assistance With A Lot of Things

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First off, I should confer this. A long time ago, I used x10hosting's free hosting service for a single website I was running... under a subdomain. Later on, I changed hosts multiple times due to various server performances. My website isn't really that large to be honest... just lots of text on it, no ads and written with mostly HTML and CSS... so I'm thinking the free-hosting servers aren't doing me much good.

A friend who is in the know recommended me this site and said the free hosting plan has improved by a lot. What I am currently looking for is speedy load times so people don't leave my site after 20 seconds has passed. I want to know if a premium plan for this site will actually make the site move a lot faster than it was on a free-hosting plan, as well as any "yearly" costs rather than "monthly"... plus I want to see if I can pay it off with just Paypal.

Okay, I want to know how I can transfer my website to this host again. I haven't done any transferring in a while and I only had subdomain URLs at the time... so all I did is get a new host and moved files to it while abandoning my old hosts. Currently, I also want to note that I purchased an external domain name from a different site (Netfirms to be exact) and I want to be able to delete it from my old host and move it to this one. I also have a PHPbb forums and I'm afraid if I move it, something about the forums just might screw up.

Lastly, I had problems with my PHPbb3 forums. It was attacked by spam-bots and they won't stop coming. When I first downloaded the PHPbb3 pak, it came with a few kinds of CAPTCHA... among them was reCAPTCHA. I tried the reCAPTCHA but it ultimately failed in stopping the bots. So, I tried using the "activate account by e-mail" option. It stopped the bots but it also kept other users from coming in... because the site is not sending out confirmation e-mails. What happened and what should I do? Please note that I am not all very acquainted with PHP and any sort of database language... so you would need to explain a whole security measure process in detail for me.

I know this all comes in an ambiguous manner but I am hoping that I can get as many answers as possible. Haha, I'm having quite a few issues that I have no idea how to fix. I haven't checked the FAQs for this site, sorry... but please have a heart and aid me. I am in quite a rush due to a combination of real life situations getting in the way of my leisure time and I'm trying to get the most direct answers as quickly as possible... If you wish, you can check out the site and tell me what I can do to fix the issues:

Thanks for reading this. I hope I am not too much trouble.


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Right here is where you'll find the premium pricing options, and here is a hosting plan comparison where you'll see some of the differences with the free hosting, Illuminated hosting, and premium hosting plans. If you have anymore questions after viewing those feel free to ask.

As for your current site that is not hosted with us, we are unable to provide support for it due to it not being hosted with x10hosting. We can only help you if your site is located on x10hosting servers. You'll have to ask those in charge of your current hosting company to find out why your current site isn't working.

As for transferring your site to x10hosting (your phpbb forums) please consult support at the official site for phpbb and your current web hosting provider for the best way to pack up your site and upload it to your new x10hosting account. As soon as you get to that point and having bought a premium hosting package, this forum will no longer be suitable to help you with support. By that time, you should already have a login for the clients area, and you should submit support tickets there instead.
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