Hi, I plan to register a new domain name but am confused about the domain name to choose. I am setting up a site similar in concept to: http://www.forex-discount.com/. I would prefer suggestions that have the words "forex" and "profit" included in the name. However other suggestion are welcome as well. Some of suggestions I found on the internet are: 4x.com forexprofit.me forexprofitdirect forexmadmoney theforexprofit.com salesprofitcash greatforexprofit netprofitcash superforexprofit profitcashgold forexprofitmargin ezprofitmoney win-forex.com AchieveForex.com ObtainForex.com SucceedForex.com theforexprofit.com autotradingforex.com autoforexguru.com forexguru.com autoforexguru.com Am I eagerly awaiting your suggestions. Thanks Shreygo.