New Star Trek DVD offensive to Vulcans


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I just got done watching the "new" Star Trek DVD. I guess it's an "all right" movie once you get past the "Starship Troopers" look and "idealism". Add about 40-50 minutes and you get some pretty "neat-o" special effects and action that are FAR more spectacular than previous Star Trek films.

But what really troubled me about this movie was I think it was implying that Vulcans are actually MORONS.

The character of Spock seems to be the "example" character. In this movie he:
01; Attempts to save the Romulan Home World by causing a black hole using this stuff called "red matter". Now, I'm no physicist, but it seems like doing something like that in someone's solar system might have adverse effect. But we never find that out as Spock gets there too late and is SO DUMB that he gets pulled into the black hole on accident.

02; Gets Captured by a Mining Crew
First to go into the black hole was a Romulan mining crew (who then become the "baddies"). Now, for some reason these bunch of Vin Diesel looking Space Miners are able to figure out that it will take Spock several years to appear in the past (where they are now) and wait there for him to apppear. He does, and then somehow he (along with his black hole causing red matter) are captured. Captured by Space Miners in an ultra-high-tech space ship that is much smaller. What an idiot!

03; The Destruction of the Vulcan Home World
Next, the Vin Diesel Romulans take the red matter to Spocks home world and decided to destroy it using the red matter (big "Oops" for Spock!). They use their Space Mining planet drill on a "space chain" to drill a hole to the center of the planet. This takes several minutes, minutes that the Vulcans could have easily attacked the drill and blown it up. However, they chose to wait for the Federation to help, who were SOOO smart as to warp to the same location and be destroyed by the space mining ship.
As an aside, the USS Enterprise figures out that it is a trap, and STILL warps to the same location where they are almost killed by the wreckage of the other Federation vessels.

04; Flash Forward to the End
Kirk and "New" Spock manage to get onboard the Space Mining ship that is NOW set to DESTORY the beloved Earth. They get to old Spock's space ship that still has all the red matter in it, and Spock takes off. He BLASTS a hole in the space mining ship and then RAMS his space ship FILLED with the RED MATTER through the HULL of the ship in EXACT proximity to EARTH! WHAT AN IDIOT! What if the ship had blown up?

05; The End Part II
Spock gets out of that one and warps to a distance from Earth. The Space Miners go after him and the end result is Spock doing a "ramming speed" manuever on the Space Miner ship (in his ultra-tech futuristic space ship). He RAMS the ship and is beamed safely aboard the Enterprise and, you know what, that darn RED MATTER makes a huge black hole that almost kills everyone on the Enterprise. WHAT A MORON!

Well, that's what I got out of the movie...


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The 'new' Star Trek that came out in 2009?

I don't think it's a spoiler if it's that old........
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Yeah, that 2009 one. I just included *spoiler* as most people I know don't really watch movies unless they're on tv. I "rented" mine from the library...

But to get back to the IMPLAUSIBLE plot aspects of that movie and more proof that "they" are trying to make the Vulcans look like idiots:

01; Kirk in Command
So, old Spock convinces Kirk to confront new Spock and make him "go crazy" and thereby disqualify new Spock from command. So, against all good taste (and sanity), Kirk goes up to Spock (a guy he hardly knows) who's just taken command, seen his home world destroyed, witnessed his mom die in front of him...and starts saying all this OUTRAGEOUS crap about how Spock "doesn't care" until FINALLY Spock beats him up at which point Spock has proven himself incapable of being Captain.

Okay, so that's not that UNbelievable, but then FOR SOME REASON, Kirk becomes Captain...WTF? So, you drove the former Captain (new Spock) crazy, now YOU'RE Captain? BTW-Spock accepts this despite knowing that Kirk was about to be kicked out of Starfleet and wasn't even supposed to be on the mission. That's just DUMB...

02; Spock on a Mission
So, all that stuff has happened and Kirk and Spock go to the transporter room to beam aboard the Space Miner spaceship and "save the day". After ALL THAT has happened, you'd think Spock would be ready to "kick some butt", right? But then Ohura shows up (whose his girlfriend) and they start making "kissy face" on the transporter pad. I mean, jezz, you're gonna make out with your girlfriend after ALL THAT happened to you. What an IDIOT!


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I noticed that too. How crazy to imply that vulcans are morons. Well.. they were picking on spock because he was half human and volcan. So.. they kinda seem like biggots. Good ole boys..