Non-referral links required

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Abuse Compliance Officer
Staff member
Reaction score
In an effort to stem the tide of infractions and deleted topics I've been having to hand down in this section, I'm splitting out Rule #2 from the rules into its own thread.

2) You must post non-referral links...
If you want to post a referral link, you must make it clear that it's a referral, and you must put a non-referral link along side. Links will simply be removed and infractions (or bans) will be given if you don't comply.

I will make this quite clear right here and now. If you post a referral link and fail to post a non-referral link with it, heres what will happen. You will be infracted, and your topic will be erased. Should your total number of infraction points reach the established maximum, a ban follows until the points expire and drop below the established maximum. So far no one's gotten hit with enough infractions for this, but there -are- some users who have gotten close.

For everyone who has actually been following the rules and posting non-referrals with the referrals, I thank you, and I apologize for wasting your time with this post. For everyone else, we'll be seeing you soon I'm sure.
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