Obviously there are problems...

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It would be nice if admin were to let everyone know whats going on with more frequent status updates. If one were to read the service alerts pages you'd be led to believe nothing was wrong. I like a lot of others are keen to know if the problems are being solved or if things look terminal...

From reading threads here it seems we are not all having the same problems, I have full access to Cpanel but direct access to my web site using the username@x10host.com hasn't been worked for over a week, however I recently found access to my site was working after setting up a domain redirect. As from this evening that has now stopped working too. It times out. Hopefully it's a short term issue and things will work again soon.

Obviously everyone gets annoyed with downtime but in the meantime remember the problem has only happened since the servers were updated, an update which was supposed to improve things. Sometimes things break and don't go as planned, just remember we are free accounts and priority MUST go to sorting out problems for paying clients, and remember we get an awesome service for a free service compared with anything else offered by way of free services.

Don't overload the system with multiple support tickets, lodge one and wait. Each ticket needs to be read and assessed and the more there are the more someone has to spend time wading through them.

Moderators and administrators... please don't leave us out in the cold, a quick explanation now and then does a lot to calm the savage beast. I have patiently waited but I'm beginning to get annoyed, not at the down time but at the lack of feedback.
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I'm also amazed at the number of people who are complaining about not having backups! rule one of computing is trust no one, back up and store a copy on your own machine, then store a backup backup on a DVD, a flashdrive etc but don't leave the only backup copy on the server/drive you are backing up!! The point is you should be backing up and storing that backup in a location you can restore from even if this site gets abducted by aliens! It's not the server operators responsibility to back up your data. That said, it's been stated that all the server data has been backed up before the migration began. If you rely solely on that backup you'll just have to sit it out and wait. Make a note to remotely (off this server) back up your data regularly from now on. :rolleyes:
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