I understand asp.net runs better then php. It's also a lot harder to learn but I don't mind the learning curve. I think asp.net sounds a lot better then php even if it is segregated from apache servers and database structures that php uses and asp.net doesn't. I'm willing to go the extra mile for performance. The deciding factor is a question that the w3schools left me with. After completely learning asp (and realizing I learned the outdated version T.T) I ventured onto asp.net only to read this horrifying news-
So what does this mean?
Your help is appreciated
ASP.NET is a Microsoft technology. To run ASP.NET you need a computer capable of running Windows.
So what does this mean?
- Does this mean only computers loaded with the microsoft opperating system can view asp.net files on the web? Meaning 20% of internet users will not be able to view my website?
- Does this mean only computers with the microsoft OS can host asp.net files. But once uploaded to the internet even mac computers can view the website the way it's meant to be?
Your help is appreciated