My account has already moved to new server and all works,but all pages on my site is not available
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All files are there,but .htacces is not.Can you get to cPanel? Can you see if any files are there?
Site has alredy moved to new server.Ma be your account is just moved to the new server. It will not show the files if it is just moved.
It shows like a newly build account. But, don't worry. It means that the admins might be working on your account so you will get your files soon.
However, I suggest you to always keep a backup of your site(files + databases) once a week in case of data loss or else. :wink:
When me find .htacces.Not only main page not avalible and all other page too.I assume your main page is not named index.html or index.php ? If it is something like Home.htm , you will have to add a .htaccess file