I have uploaded a PDF document into my public_ftp folder. On my website I have link to the document. When I click on the link, I am taken to an error page from x10 that says:
An error has occurred!
The page you requested is not available, please try again in a few minutes. Alternatively you can use the form below to find what you are looking for
I have checked that the names matches over and over and I have had someone else check my work. We can find no reason why the link will not work and why I cannot view the pdf document.
An error has occurred!
The page you requested is not available, please try again in a few minutes. Alternatively you can use the form below to find what you are looking for
I have checked that the names matches over and over and I have had someone else check my work. We can find no reason why the link will not work and why I cannot view the pdf document.