I'm making a page render class for a thing i'm making but when I go to do $this->session->userdata('username'); it says I can't access it.
the PageRender class is extending the controller so it can load view files for the template_header and template_footer. I also get the error above when I try to access the template parser class hence why i'm having it extend the Controller class instead. could someone help?
the PageRender class is extending the controller so it can load view files for the template_header and template_footer. I also get the error above when I try to access the template parser class hence why i'm having it extend the Controller class instead. could someone help?
if (!defined('BASEPATH')){
exit('No direct script access allowed');
class PageRender extends Controller{
function PageRender(){
function generateHeader($loggedUser){
//$user = ($this->session->userdata('username')) ? $this->session->userdata('username') : 'Guest';
$headerData = array(
'pageHeading' => 'Nevux Ability Boards (1.4.6 Devel)',
'cssFiles' => array("style.css"),
'jsFiles' => array("jquery"),
'metaData' => array(),
'User' => $loggedUser,
'RenderInstance' => $this
$this->load->view('templates/layout_header', $headerData);
function incorporateTemplate($templateData){
function generateFooter(){
function loadItems($type = null, $fileName = null, $metaKey = null, $metaData = null){