Alright so heres my code:
All my variables are right, other spam checkers work. This is the only one that gives me errors.
if (!$_POST['quickreply']) {
$Functions->blockopen("Quick Reply", "form", site_link . "/forum/topic/$id/");
print "<strong>Content</strong><br /.
<textarea cols=\"5\" rows=\"25\" name=\"msg\"></textarea><br />
<input type=\"submit\" name=\"quickreply\" value=\"Reply!\" class=\"button\" />";
} else {
$msg = strip_tags(addslashes($_POST['msg']), "<b><u><i><p><em><ol><ul>");
$date = $datelol;
if (empty($msg)) {
$Functions->Errorz("You Must Enter a Message");
} else {
$get_forum_flood = $MySql->sqlQuery("SELECT * FROM `" . DB_PREFIX .
"forum_flood` WHERE `username` = '$logged->username';");
$arrflood = $MySql->fetchArray($get_forum_flood);
$forumfloodmath = ($settings->forumfloodtime * 60);
$forumfloodtime = ($currentonline + $forumfloodmath);
print $forumfloodtime;
if ($MySql->numRows($get_forum_flood) == 0) {
$insert_reply = $MySql->sqlQuery("INSERT INTO `" . DB_PREFIX .
"forum_replies` (`author`,`content`,`postdate`,`tid`,`fid`) VALUES ('$logged->username','$msg','$date','$topicData->id','$topicData->fid');");
$getNewestPost = $MySql->sqlQuery("SELECT *FROM `" . DB_PREFIX .
"forum_replies` WHERE `fid` = '$id' ORDER BY `id` DESC LIMIT 1;");
$newarray = $MySql->fetchArray($getNewestPost);
$update_forum = $MySql->sqlQuery("UPDATE `" . DB_PREFIX .
"forum_forums` SET `latest_id` = '$newarray->tid', `latest_author` = '$newarray->author', `latest_isstaff` = '$topicData->staffonly' WHERE `id` = '$newarray->fid';");
$insert_flood = $MySql->sqlQuery("INSERT INTO `" . DB_PREFIX .
"forum_flood` (`ip`,`username`,`time`) VALUES ('$ip','$logged->username','$forumfloodtime');"); print "<h1>Reply Added</h1>
Your Reply Has Been Added.
require ("FileLibrary/footer.php");
$Functions->redirect(site_link . "/forum/topic/$id/", 2);
} else {
if ($arrflood->time <= $currentonline) {
$insert_reply = $MySql->sqlQuery("INSERT INTO `" . DB_PREFIX .
"forum_replies` (`author`,`content`,`postdate`,`tid`,`fid`) VALUES ('$logged->username','$msg','$date','$topicData->id','$topicData->fid');");
$getNewestPost = $MySql->sqlQuery("SELECT *FROM `" . DB_PREFIX .
"forum_replies` WHERE `fid` = '$id' ORDER BY `id` DESC LIMIT 1;");
$newarray = $MySql->fetchArray($getNewestPost);
$getNewestPost = $MySql->sqlQuery("SELECT *FROM `" . DB_PREFIX .
"forum_replies` WHERE `fid` = '$id' ORDER BY `id` DESC LIMIT 1;");
$newarray = $MySql->fetchArray($getNewestPost);
$update_forum = $MySql->sqlQuery("UPDATE `" . DB_PREFIX .
"forum_forums` SET `latest_id` = '$newarray->tid', `latest_author` = '$newarray->author', `latest_isstaff` = '$topicData->staffonly' WHERE `id` = '$newarray->fid';");
$update_flood = $MySql->sqlQuery("UPDATE `" . DB_PREFIX .
"forum_flood` SET `time` = '$forumfloodtime' WHERE `ip` = '$ip';");
print "<h1>Reply Added</h1>
Your Reply Has Been Added.
require ("FileLibrary/footer.php");
$Functions->redirect(site_link . "/forum/topic/$id/", 2);
} else {
$Functions->Errorz("You Must Wait $settings->forumfloodtime Minutes Before Posting Again");
All my variables are right, other spam checkers work. This is the only one that gives me errors.