Hello again,
well this time i have my page prueba.html but inside of it, i would like to put a php line. like <? echo "Hello friends"?> but when i run it, it does not show me anything.
but if i put that line in a php file like prueba.php then it show me "Hello friends"
can you help me please, i need to run the php line in my html file.
thank u again.
El Salvador, CA.:happysad:
well this time i have my page prueba.html but inside of it, i would like to put a php line. like <? echo "Hello friends"?> but when i run it, it does not show me anything.
but if i put that line in a php file like prueba.php then it show me "Hello friends"
can you help me please, i need to run the php line in my html file.
thank u again.
El Salvador, CA.:happysad: