PHP mail issue


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Hi all,

Im fairly new to x10 having been a user for only 2-3 months, ive been using it to host and design a feature for a band which allows 15 members to make transport arrangements. i had it so that when the manager creates a new gig all of them were emailed with the details with links they click to record attendance details. it was all working fine and the emails were sending to my account (its not live yet so i use mine for testing) and then one day after having made no changes whatsoever it simply stopped sending the emails.

its supposed to send 15 emails at a time upon creation of a gig and also whenever a gig is edited. so on a standard day of of working on it i probably use it to send 150+ emails to myself. i was wondering does x10 impose some limit on the ammount of emails i can send, or is there another reason or ongoing issue which would explain why its no longer working? Im baffled as i really didnt make any changes to the code.

Thanks in advance.
It seems that i have just resolved this, i was using my gmail address as the sender which worked fine before, i have just substituted the x10 email address into the code and it seems to be working now.

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I've started having similar issues - it used to work but now it only works 1 in 10 or 20 tries. I have no idea why and know nothing about php. I just used a script i downloaded to send out *contact* emails and while testing it I found it might send 1 then breaks for several minutes then it may send another but it seems random and I get no errors anywhere I know of.

I suspect the service is screwed ever since the failed upgrade to cpanel - may or may not be related but it seems strange coincidence.


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I was using a nice auction type program that was sending automated emails, it has also mysteriously stopped working as wel. I can't even begin to imagine what happened. No one else who is using this program can replicate the issue. :dunno: