I have a similar code:
$subject = "test email";
$from = "From: Webhost<donotreply@email.com>";
$message="This is a test email.";
$mail = mail($to,$subject,$message,$from);
but this doesn't seem to work, and my spam folder is empty.
I tested this with both yahoo and hotmail.
Note: From header must be an account on your site.
Does this necessarily have to be true? The test that my co-worker ran worked just fine, and it's a non-existent email account.
also, my server uses boro?
Hosting package adfree-infinity
Server Name boru
cPanel Version 11.30.2 (build 1)
Theme x3
Apache version 2.2.19
PHP version 5.3.6
MySQL version 5.1.57-rel12.8
Architecture x86_64
Operating system linux
Path to sendmail /usr/sbin/sendmail