It is when people were on level 2, and are now apparently all reset back to level 1. Yet the control panels state they're still level 2.
Also, the point that the IP addresses are no longer pointing to the right locations for peoples accounts and things. That is what I mean by serious. Somethings gone wrong, therefore hopefully an admin will read everyones tickets and find/fix the problem.
I think its all due to the IP problem, fix that an everything else falls into place. Since all the files/etc are stored on the proper new servers not the old servers which it seems is where the IPs are pointing back to. So therefore once the IP problem is sorted all the peoples php problems should be sorted too. <- Correct Stoli server address according to the various parts of the forum in ref to the server move, and also according to the accounts control panel, etc. Yet web browsers, ftp, ping, etc, are all saying its I even did file comparisons, and that 174 address has many MANY files missing, yet the proper 216 stoli address has all the files. So when I accessed some of the files that should be there via a web browser, it came up with errors saying they didn't exist.
Which is why I think now its not really the php levels to blame, but rather some sort of account mix-up or something to do with the IP re-direction or something.