What I was actually asking is if I can create the menus with a Unordered, or Ordered list, and then give the list an ID such as <ul id="menu"> And, then use PHP to make it drop down, but I am assuming you can't do onmouseover events with PHP... Anyway, enough on PHP, how can I make a Vertical Sliding Menu that only functions clicking a link/button???? Not move when you roll the mouse over it, but instead making it so you have to click the Main Heading Button, using JavaScript, After you click the button, the Menu hiding under the main heading is done how?? I also found those type of Menus Fascinating and would love to learn how to do those, using the same ID name MENU, I usually create the menus using CSS, I love to use CSS, so when I use #menu, that's the whole menu stuff which I usually use #menu { position: absolute; } and then so on so forth with the main heading names and sub-menu names, I know this is probably a pretty tedious question, I really don't know the most easiest way to explain it..