origninal http://forums.x10hosting.com/programming-help/52434-sql-call-proc.html
i ran a script to make a stored procedure on php my admin using the sql window ... that worked fine.
but when i try to call it from php it does not work. using mysqli_multi_query
is the problem mysqli_multi_query ? do we not support it here?
rnivash I am also facing the same problem.. It says access denied for the user to execute stored routine..
i ran a script to make a stored procedure on php my admin using the sql window ... that worked fine.
but when i try to call it from php it does not work. using mysqli_multi_query
is the problem mysqli_multi_query ? do we not support it here?
rnivash I am also facing the same problem.. It says access denied for the user to execute stored routine..
hi i ran a script to make a stored procedure on php my admin using the sql window ... that worked fine.
but when i try to call it from php it does not work. using mysqli_multi_query
is the problem mysqli_multi_query ? do we not support it here?
the sql i ranPHP:echo "<br> in mn db res is <br>\n"; $query = "call bookh_add1();"; if (mysqli_multi_query($dbConRes, $query)) { do { /* store first result set */ if ($result = mysqli_use_result($dbConRes)) { while ($row = mysqli_fetch_row($result)) { //printf("row %s\n<br>", $row[0]); $cntForToday = $row[0]; } mysqli_free_result($result); } /* print divider */ if (mysqli_more_results($dbConRes)) { //printf("-----------------\n"); } } while (mysqli_next_result($dbConRes)); //echo "-->\n"; echo " Today's Count is " . $cntForToday . "<br>\n"; /* $c = mysqli_query($dbConRes, "select book_getCnt ()"); //$c = mysqli_query($dbConRes, "select max(cnt) from bookh_cnt where id=1;"); if($c === FALSE){ echo "c is false "; }else{ echo "c is not false "; } $row = mysqli_fetch_array($c); echo "Count is " . $row [0]; */ }else{ echo " db err<br>"; }
Edit:PHP:use t7_parse1 ? drop table bookh_cnt ? create table bookh_cnt ( id double not null auto_increment, cnt double, whn TIMESTAMP, start TIMESTAMP, forday date , PRIMARY KEY (id) ) ? drop procedure bookh_add1 ? create procedure bookh_add1 () begin declare i int; repair table bookh_cnt; select max(cnt) into i from bookh_cnt where forday = CURRENT_DATE() ; IF EXISTS (select (cnt) from bookh_cnt where forday = CURRENT_DATE()) THEN update bookh_cnt set cnt=cnt + 1 , whn=now() where forday = CURRENT_DATE(); select "update"; ELSE insert into bookh_cnt (cnt, whn, start, forday) values(1, now(), now(), CURRENT_DATE() ); select "insert"; END IF; select max(cnt) from bookh_cnt where forday = CURRENT_DATE() ; end ?
I still do not know why its not working but i got a workaround at http://sel2in.com/prjs/php/bookh/v01 - not using stored procedures . would like to know how to use stored procedures in our environemnt ( call it and read returned result sets)