a reload ofSo login.php leads to register.php?
no login leads to 'login_error.php' page that says 'email and password not correct. ' Decided to try and get registration side working first.
Originally Posted by tigra123

My latest problem is now:
Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
I took these two out but still didnt work. I read up on error and decided to add more fields in my table but still didnt work.You have two extra values in your INSERT statement: $_POST['inform'] and $_POST['us'].
You also have the SQL PASSWORD and CURRENT_DATE functions escaped by PHP's complex syntax (the curly brackets). This is wrong for two reasons: first, complex syntax only works if the first character after the open bracket ("{") is a "$". Second, these are SQL functions, not PHP functions, so you don't want PHP to attempt to process them.
working on the above!
I am not familiar with the SQL injection stuff thanks anyway.
Edit2: The most recently posted register.php worked for me on my development server, once the insert statement was corrected. When you print the error list, use an HTML list (<ul> or <ol>) rather than "*" and <br>.
dont know how to do this.
Still waiting on links to live pages.
At last I post live page link - bear in mind this site is out dated and I am only interested in the registration and login aspects
p.s I will be donating --many thanks