Please review my Cub Scout site


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Few pointers:
1. The image on the homepage is nearly half a meg. Ive got a pretty good broadband connection but it still took a while to load that image. BMP is not the way to go for website images. JPG and Gif are the more expeptable options. Load up the image in your image editor and re-save it in either of these formats. Think JPG maybe the better option in this case.
2. Your homepage doesnt have any content so theres no real need to link back to it. Maybe include a welcome message and a description of the website or list some coming events from the calender.
3. If your not going to show your logo in full size there is not point forcing the user to load the fullsized image. Resize it to the actual size it will appear on your site and save it. Dont use html resizing
4. Its not a great idea to load someone elses website in only one frame of your own as all links from theres will also load in yours. 3 options: either scrap frames altogether, pop up the external link in a new window or let the new page take up all the browser space. i suggest option 1 or 3 would be best



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Thank you Dunk. I'll work on it. I threw the bmp up there because I had a big blank screen. I need to come up with a welcome msg. I'll also look at removing the frames. That was my attempt at working with frames for no reason other than to say I used a frame.


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The Calender looks nice(the script you have for it), but overall it's a little unappealing to the eye. The colors are just like blah or whatever. And most of the links take a while to load, but then they have nothing exciting or the " BAM " or the " POW " that makes the page interesting.


New Member
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Quite honestly, it looks a little dated, some thing out of the 99's.
You might like to use more mordern web techs like CSS etc...
Or you could setup a CMS, whatever works for you...

On a positive note it is "functional".


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Hey, good to see a Scouting pack up and about on the internets (I was/am an Eagle Scout).

As a site, it gets the job done, I suppose. The colour scheme is understandable (Cub Scout blue and gold), but hit counters are a bit dated, as are frames.

Frames aren't a very good design choice in any aspect- they make it near impossible for search engines to figure out your site, and you can't link someone directly to your calendar page, lest they get stuck without navigation. If you need something to appear on every part of your website, use tables and PHP includes.

You also might want to put up some information about your pack (for anyone curious about joining or having their son join). Otherwise, it's only really a useful website for existing members. Maybe an album of sorts (but beware of making yourself too public, lest you get the less savory sorts picking up information about your boys). Something to make it feel more personal, if you understand what I mean.

Mailto: links are also a fast way of getting spam to those you've linked. Just a heads up.


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Well some few kinks, but the pros first, nice color scheme, instead of frames i think you should choose the normal format, there is no title on any page ( is a must -1 for that ), no metas, description anything ( nobody would be able to search completely for your website ), you should not show the counter on the homepage ( both the visitors and the camp day counters ) instead you should only show when will be your camp starting and plz remove that visitor no. counters, looks quite cheap ( at least to me ), instead of webmaster link you should show contact us link, there should be more content on the homepage, need to change the calendar and the leadership section ( maaan add some spice to it looks monotonous ) and the image on the homepage dose not look nice, make it at the center and the text in the pic should be clear. Remember First Impression is the last impression.

Overall Rating : A Good 4.5/10
Do some serious work on the site.