Please review my site


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Not a lot at your end, honestly. It's a nice showcase. I might try to feature similarly-themed lights from other categories in addition to the in-category similar items (same series when available, same "tone" for more eclectic decorating), but that's about it. There's nothing to "learn"; the site is clean, usable and, well, elegant as it stands.

It's the Amazon experience that kills it, and that's just Amazon being Amazon. The aesthetics have always been bad, and probably always will be. Can't beat them for the whole fulfillment process, though, so unless you're big enough to do the whole thing yourself and never need the discoverability that Amazon brings (the "similar items" search pane probably brings you traffic), then you're kind of stuck with that bit of ugly. It's really too bad they don't offer a way to boutique the place up a bit; not everybody benefits from the same sort of one-size-fits-all bare-bones approach that, say, a discount Chinese photo accessories dealer wants to portray.


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Not a lot at your end, honestly. It's a nice showcase. I might try to feature similarly-themed lights from other categories in addition to the in-category similar items (same series when available, same "tone" for more eclectic decorating), but that's about it. There's nothing to "learn"; the site is clean, usable and, well, elegant as it stands.

It's the Amazon experience that kills it, and that's just Amazon being Amazon. The aesthetics have always been bad, and probably always will be. Can't beat them for the whole fulfillment process, though, so unless you're big enough to do the whole thing yourself and never need the discoverability that Amazon brings (the "similar items" search pane probably brings you traffic), then you're kind of stuck with that bit of ugly. It's really too bad they don't offer a way to boutique the place up a bit; not everybody benefits from the same sort of one-size-fits-all bare-bones approach that, say, a discount Chinese photo accessories dealer wants to portray.

Hi! First of all thanks for feedback.

So... To summarize... What do I need to improve? About UX. Do you like the current footer?

About the shop itself. You're blaming me for using amazon? It's first system I added support of... I am thinking to work with other boutiques as well... If you could suggest some...

What can improve the experience of blog?


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As I said, it's pretty good as it stands. You can probably never sit still, though — you need to listen to customers rather than web developer/designer/UX types. What you have now looks and feels good to me. I don't care about decor in my own personal space, and the only lighting I'm interested in is photographic (which is probably why I prefer a Spartan approach—real furniture is hard to shift about when I need impromptu studio space), so I can't really judge the blog. It's like reading a well-written sports story or a seminal work on English literature in the 18th Century—it may be masterful, but it matters somewhat less to me than a scientific treatise on ear wax. I'm not the guy to judge the blog.

I really can't think of a better fulfillment site than Amazon. The only thing I don't like about Amazon is the look of the place, and you need to give up far too much everywhere else to do things much differently. People who reach your showcase site will have a good shopping experience, and people who are cruising Amazon (and a LOT of people cruise Amazon) will find you. You can get a prettier back end (something aesthetically equal to the showcase), but you'd lose more than you'd gain. It's not a criticism of your choice, it's just a very long-standing criticism of Amazon's design choices.
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I would not change this site if I had the choice, it already is really modern and clean looking. Good job.
@Thomas014 I will do yours when you start your own post. This is about Light Marketplace.