The design is good overall, as is the overall content. That said, there are a couple of weak points.
The first is the banner photography on the home page. I'm absolutely sure that the original versions of the existing images can be cropped and processed to be more interesting without making them "fake"; there should be no need to shoot anything special. Most of the photographic images that rotate through the banner right now are, well, insipid... but they don't have to be. More careful cropping and the right contrast adjustments, and they'll work as something much better than casual snapshots. (If you have the originals but don't have a post-processing guru handy, feel free to contact me directly by private message. I'm not a professional photographer anymore, but I still have the skills and know how to use them.)
The second part that could use some work is the faculty page. Right now it's jut a checklist of qualifications and certificates; a short biography, something that gives at least a hint as to who these people are, would probably be a good idea. Particularly in a vocational setting, I can imagine that "if this guy is so good, how come he's teaching" is a not-infrequent question. Not everybody understands that teaching, itself, can be a passion.