// addpost.php
// Inserts a post into the database
// include the form_data class
$formData = new reviews_Scripts_FormData(); // Create a new instance of the form_data class
// Get all inputs as array
$vars = array('title' => $_POST['title'],
'genre' => $_POST['genre'],
'esrb' => $_POST['esrb'],
'score' => $_POST['score'],
'review' => $_POST['review']);
// Create an array to hold user errors
$errors = array();
// Check for empty
$errors = $formData->checkEmpty($vars,$errors);
// Check for valid length
$errors = $formData->checkLength($vars['title'],1,400,$errors,"title"); // Check title length
$errors = $formData->checkLength($vars['genre'],1,400,$errors,"genre"); // Check genre length
$errors = $formData->checkLength($vars['esrb'],1,3,$errors,'esrb'); // Check esrb rating length
$errors = $formData->checkLength($vars['platforms'],1,500,$errors,'platforms');
// Replace enter presses with a \n so the database and showing thread formats it correctly
$pattern = "/ /";
$vars['review'] = preg_replace($pattern,"\n",$vars['review']);
$vars['review'] = nl2br($vars['review']);
$vars['review'] = stripslashes($vars['review']);
// If there were errors, format and display them
if ($errors) {
} else {
try {
// insert into the database
$insertPost = $dbh->prepare("INSERT INTO reviews(id,title,genre,esrb,score,review,platform,date,user_ID)
echo '<p>Your post was added to the database.</p>';
echo '<p><a href="Index.php">Go Home</a></p>';
} catch(PDOException $error) {
recordErrors("admin/addpost.php",$error->getMessage(),"Unable to add post to database",uniqid());