Problem in "linking" i posted it 3 times tell now and still waiting a solution !!!

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Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeease !!!!

I posted my problem 3 times before

I hope to be solved this time .

You solved part of the problem last time .
My problem is :

my hosting account ( which contain all my files ) : "epyramid"
my forum account (not linked to my hosting account "epyramid" ) : "egyptianman"

I tried to make new forum account because i couldn't link "egyptianman" to "epyramid"

SO i made a new forum account " masrawy"

The problem get bigger

You gave me a new hosting account "masrawy" with the new forum account i made "masrawy"

I tried to solve the problem ...but i made it more complicated

I linked forum account "egyptianman" to hosting account "masrawy"


Solution of the problem :

1- linking forum account "egyptianman" to hosting account "epyramid"
2- activate hosting account "epyramid" as it is suspended now for about a month
3- make my email linked to the hosting account "epyramid" and the forum account "egyptianman"

is ""


4-deleting forum account "masrawy"
5-deleting hosting account "masrawy"


You solved part of the problem last time ...

You solved (5) and deleted hosting account "masrawy"
I'm not sure you solved (4) and deleted forum account "masrawy"

Please ... Solve (1) , (2) and (3)

Thank you very much


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Re: Problem in "linking" i posted it 3 times tell now and still waiting a solution !!

The other times you posted about this problem, you never replied back after an admin gave you an answer.

For your problems 1, 2, and 3, please log into your forum account "worldoftoday" to request assistance. The hosting account "epyramid" is linked to the forum account "worldoftoday". Please use that forum account to get support.

Edit: If you do not return here to respond to the thread or respond as worldoftoday, then there's nothing further that we can do to help you. The more you post about this and then never respond how we ask you to do, then your subsequent posts that ignore this final request to respond as worldoftoday just might be labeled as spam. This is just to verify who you are so that we make no unverified mistakes.
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