I'm not mad that I can't get a ps3, I'm mad that I'm working the friggin register at bestbuy that weekend.
But if I had to be mad about something, I'd be mad about not being able to grab all the launch titles I want for the Wii (Supposedly Trauma Center Second Opinion is making the launch date along with metal slug anthology, I'm hoping they don't so I don't feel bad when I cant get them).
No offence Micro, but I can't be upset about not buying another media center.
You see, around here, we call that a pc. 320gb hd with 100gb dedicated to music, vcr, dvd player (three actually, the ps2, the pc, and an _actual_ dvd player), tv, sterio, alternate stereo. I don't need another media center, I need a gaming machine. Yes the ps3 can do gaming - I can't see paying more than $400 on a system at launch when I can boost this pc to a 1terabyte system on $400 (and possibly even boost the ram to 4gb from 2, but that depends on the deals I cut).
I do see some good sides to the ps3 launching before the Wii though. Although not for sony.
Guy walks into the store on nov 19. Can't get ps3. Looks left, sees xbox360. Looks right, sees Wii. Looks behind, sees all the games for both systems. $600 in his pocket, two systems available with the games at extremely easy access.
However that plays out it's bad for Sony - he could simply walk away, not buying anything, or he could grab microsoft's or nintendo's system, making things slightly worse for sony (he's not boosting their profits, he's boosting the competitions profits)
As I previously stated though I'm not mad about not being able to get a system that's essentially a pc in a fancy case (Alienware still looks better). I'm friggin upset about working the registers.
Have mercy on me oh Lord, and give me the strength to deal with the fanboys in the checkout lane I'm assigned to. Oh, and bless my bat with the anti-fanboy-battle powers you have and aren't using, cause if there's ps3's on the shelves on the 19th, all hell's breakin loose.