PS3 Delay and only 500,000 units!


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when Square-enix leaves sony to go back to nintendo or to microsoft sony will be F*cked.
Too bad god of war is owned by sony, its just a matter of time before the playstation gets knocked of no.1 it happened to sega,Nintendo and tons of other companies.


Legend Killer
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My opnion?

Its all hype.

Back when computers were new ... IBM was the major player in computers ( Hence, everything was made to say if it was IBM-Compatible )

Computers were huge, bulky and ran slower than a slug in winter.

Then things got faster, smaller and the prices went up ... then down ... then up ( etc )

All these major companies are trying to jump the gun and toy people into spending gobs of money - when, like computers, in 1 or 2 years, that will be out dated and the next "VR/DVD/Coffee stirer" will be the next big thing and be out by Christmas and everyone will want one - but lo and behold, they only made 3, they cost half the national debt and may have issues.

It may be great ... but I guess, for me, if I want one ... I can wait till my local pawn shop carries it for $150 bucks with 10 games. :biggrin:


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StarShine said:
My opnion?

Its all hype.

Back when computers were new ... IBM was the major player in computers ( Hence, everything was made to say if it was IBM-Compatible )

Computers were huge, bulky and ran slower than a slug in winter.

Then things got faster, smaller and the prices went up ... then down ... then up ( etc )

All these major companies are trying to jump the gun and toy people into spending gobs of money - when, like computers, in 1 or 2 years, that will be out dated and the next "VR/DVD/Coffee stirer" will be the next big thing and be out by Christmas and everyone will want one - but lo and behold, they only made 3, they cost half the national debt and may have issues.

It may be great ... but I guess, for me, if I want one ... I can wait till my local pawn shop carries it for $150 bucks with 10 games. :biggrin:

Now theres nothing better than a console serving you coffee to stay up all night and finish those games that you cant put down!;)


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0 guys are just mad you cant get a PS3. LMAO...:p

I will get one on the first day and I will say its the best its the best! :D


Abuse Compliance Officer
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I'm not mad that I can't get a ps3, I'm mad that I'm working the friggin register at bestbuy that weekend.

But if I had to be mad about something, I'd be mad about not being able to grab all the launch titles I want for the Wii (Supposedly Trauma Center Second Opinion is making the launch date along with metal slug anthology, I'm hoping they don't so I don't feel bad when I cant get them).

No offence Micro, but I can't be upset about not buying another media center.

You see, around here, we call that a pc. 320gb hd with 100gb dedicated to music, vcr, dvd player (three actually, the ps2, the pc, and an _actual_ dvd player), tv, sterio, alternate stereo. I don't need another media center, I need a gaming machine. Yes the ps3 can do gaming - I can't see paying more than $400 on a system at launch when I can boost this pc to a 1terabyte system on $400 (and possibly even boost the ram to 4gb from 2, but that depends on the deals I cut).

I do see some good sides to the ps3 launching before the Wii though. Although not for sony.

Guy walks into the store on nov 19. Can't get ps3. Looks left, sees xbox360. Looks right, sees Wii. Looks behind, sees all the games for both systems. $600 in his pocket, two systems available with the games at extremely easy access.

However that plays out it's bad for Sony - he could simply walk away, not buying anything, or he could grab microsoft's or nintendo's system, making things slightly worse for sony (he's not boosting their profits, he's boosting the competitions profits)

As I previously stated though I'm not mad about not being able to get a system that's essentially a pc in a fancy case (Alienware still looks better). I'm friggin upset about working the registers.

Have mercy on me oh Lord, and give me the strength to deal with the fanboys in the checkout lane I'm assigned to. Oh, and bless my bat with the anti-fanboy-battle powers you have and aren't using, cause if there's ps3's on the shelves on the 19th, all hell's breakin loose.


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Good Luck Live on those dates! I can picture it now , people who havent taken showers waikn and BOing BestBuy just to get a PS31 At least the Wii launch wont be so bad since will have more on the shelves!


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Unless you're rich and are willing to spend $800 for a console and 3 games.. you're out of your mind thinking it's a good deal.

I can get a good computer for $800.. screw video game console.. jeez..

Oh, and I'll leave ya'll with something to think about.. 500,000 PS3 units at launch might be TOO MANY! Why? Cause nobody in their right mind (unless you're filthy rich) is gonna pay $600-700 for a gaming console. Certainly many people are out of their minds, so I might be wrong.


The Guy Everyone Hates
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I guess i wont be w getting one on launch. But still havent decided between Wii and PS3.


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Well the only thing that will make me get a P$3 from rip off Sony is a good F1 game and even then i'm waiting till they drop the price and no thats not because i cant afford one cos in fact i could go buy 2 of them right now if you could get them but i just refuse to be ripped of by Sony, also regarding the graphics of P$3 i have read many article's saying that the graphics are not any better than 360 with most that i read saying the graphics on P$3 were on par with 360 (not better!) its only the sony fanboys that seem to think its going to be so much better than 360 and to all of you....XBOX LIVE BABY....THE UNTOUCHABLE!


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Sony are all hype and branding. Remember all those 'realtime' demos at e3 05? We know how true those were.

Remember that in Sony said they were going to launch in Spring 06 in Japan? Then they're not. Then they're launching WORLDWIDE in autumn on THE SAME DATE! Awesome huh? Wait, no, Europe has to wait. Again.

Sony STILL haven't announced any specifics on their supposed online survice. and we're 2 months from launch. THATS not looking good.

And how many proper games are gonna be ready for launch? Hmm.

And whats with MAKING all the game developers put their games on blu-ray discs? Its only gone and made all the games £10 more expensive than their 360 equivilents. And THEY were expensive enough already!

PS3 is supposed to be able to connect to 7 controllers, but controlers themselves only can be numbered up to 4. How is that going to work? Answer, its not. The whole 7 controllers thing was theoretical BS.

And no rumble? WTF? has anyone played a game that includes rumble features, but turning the rumble off recenty? It feels so dead and wrong in your hands.

Oh, and lets not forget some of the outstanding claims sony has made about the ps3:
"The PS3 is a Computer. We do not need the PC"
Oh please, can i install windows on it then? Otherwise i don't consider it to be a PC. Or at least Linux?
"The PS3 will come installed with a linux operating system"
Awesome! Wait, where is the typical linuxy interface? Hmm? I can at least access that right? And can i download and install linux programs with the webbrowser? Hmm? WHERE IS THE INFO MAN!!?!
Hang on? What do all of your developers make their games on? Um. PCs right? What was that about not needing the pc?

Honestly, some of the claims they make are silly.

On the whole, it seems to me that everything Sony is doing with the PS3 is either borrowed or wholesale stolen from other peple. The Motion sensitive controller (oh, don't even get me started on that), live online capabilites, harddrive in a games console (even after sony repeatedly said it made the Xbox too expensive to include it), wireless controllers, guide button etc.

and finally. The box is bloody ugly. Admittedly i didn't like the 360 design at first, but now i do. The a similar amount of time has past with me seeing the PS3 design and I STILL think it sucks.

At least MS have stayed true to the games while offering other things. Sony are really just leveraging the PS brand to get a larger install base on blu-ray.

But i could go on for hours about this. Heindsight will ultimately tell in due course.


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unpixelatedgamers said:
Sony are all hype and branding. Remember all those 'realtime' demos at e3 05? We know how true those were.

Remember that in Sony said they were going to launch in Spring 06 in Japan? Then they're not. Then they're launching WORLDWIDE in autumn on THE SAME DATE! Awesome huh? Wait, no, Europe has to wait. Again.

Sony STILL haven't announced any specifics on their supposed online survice. and we're 2 months from launch. THATS not looking good.

And how many proper games are gonna be ready for launch? Hmm.

And whats with MAKING all the game developers put their games on blu-ray discs? Its only gone and made all the games £10 more expensive than their 360 equivilents. And THEY were expensive enough already!

PS3 is supposed to be able to connect to 7 controllers, but controlers themselves only can be numbered up to 4. How is that going to work? Answer, its not. The whole 7 controllers thing was theoretical BS.

And no rumble? WTF? has anyone played a game that includes rumble features, but turning the rumble off recenty? It feels so dead and wrong in your hands.

Oh, and lets not forget some of the outstanding claims sony has made about the ps3:
"The PS3 is a Computer. We do not need the PC"
Oh please, can i install windows on it then? Otherwise i don't consider it to be a PC. Or at least Linux?
"The PS3 will come installed with a linux operating system"
Awesome! Wait, where is the typical linuxy interface? Hmm? I can at least access that right? And can i download and install linux programs with the webbrowser? Hmm? WHERE IS THE INFO MAN!!?!
Hang on? What do all of your developers make their games on? Um. PCs right? What was that about not needing the pc?

Honestly, some of the claims they make are silly.

On the whole, it seems to me that everything Sony is doing with the PS3 is either borrowed or wholesale stolen from other peple. The Motion sensitive controller (oh, don't even get me started on that), live online capabilites, harddrive in a games console (even after sony repeatedly said it made the Xbox too expensive to include it), wireless controllers, guide button etc.

and finally. The box is bloody ugly. Admittedly i didn't like the 360 design at first, but now i do. The a similar amount of time has past with me seeing the PS3 design and I STILL think it sucks.

At least MS have stayed true to the games while offering other things. Sony are really just leveraging the PS brand to get a larger install base on blu-ray.

But i could go on for hours about this. Heindsight will ultimately tell in due course.

Hey great post man :biggrin: at last someone who isn't a sony i still cant believe that a ps2 is still more expensive than an xbox sony are such rip off mechant's... how can an inferior console be more expensive than the better one, and hey sony... give xbox the f1 rights so we can have a decent f1 game on XBL :rant2:
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