From what I can gather django is written all in python, so if you upload it, and somehow tell python where django is located, it should work. I don't have much python experience so I can't say much more -- you might want to look at the documentation telling you how to modify the paths
here. That should then let you use mysql through django.
BTW, other people on the forum have said that sqlite is supported in python, so that might be the easiest thing to do if you want sql.
Edit: I've been reading up: it should be enough to have the django folder inside the same folder as the application you are running. I.e. download the latest django version, and inside you will find a folder named "django", containing a file "" along with a whole load of subfolder: you need to upload this folder called django. I'm just testing this now. Alternatively install django in some other folder on your webspace, say a folder called pyext (with django as a subfolder of this), you should then be able to add the path using:
import sys
(I'll post back soon once django has finished uploading about whether this works.)
Edit2: Django works in this way! If django is in the same folder as the app, or the django path is added as above, it will work. Your on your own now, have fun...