Reload Account?

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mike omar

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I would like you to reload my account if that is possible. My account should be linked to this forum account.

I understand that all my information and files will be deleted. I would like to start from scratch if that is ok.

Also if reloading my account is unavailable then I would like you guys to please delete my hosting account and/or forum account with it. I know I have to copy and paste something in order for you delete my account but I would like to wait for a response about my first question before I finally do it.
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Free Support Volunteer
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To start from scratch, simply delete unwanted files from inside your public_html folder.

If this advise isn't what you were looking for, could you please clarify what you mean by "reload account" and the specific problem you are having that's caused you to request this?

mike omar

New Member
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Well I have a lot of clutter on my account and would like to start from scratch.

Maybe deleting would be a better option. So I want to delete my account but have a few questions:

1. Will I be able to sign up for a new hosting account after I delete this one?
2. Will my forum account need to be deleted or will it be deleted in the process?
3. If my forum account is not affected then will I need to relink my new hosting account with this one?
4. Can I use the same email for my new account?

I have a few more questions regarding what I can host on my new account but I will wait until I get the above resolved first.

I also might be interested in purchasing premium hosting depending on how my free hosting experience goes and I would have a few question regarding that.


Abuse Compliance Officer
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Well I have a lot of clutter on my account and would like to start from scratch.

Maybe deleting would be a better option. So I want to delete my account but have a few questions:

1. Will I be able to sign up for a new hosting account after I delete this one?
2. Will my forum account need to be deleted or will it be deleted in the process?
3. If my forum account is not affected then will I need to relink my new hosting account with this one?
4. Can I use the same email for my new account?

I have a few more questions regarding what I can host on my new account but I will wait until I get the above resolved first.

I also might be interested in purchasing premium hosting depending on how my free hosting experience goes and I would have a few question regarding that.

1) Yes
2) No, forum account will remain, but if memory serves you can still login to the account panel and then do a hosting request there.
3) If the above is true (as in if you can do a hosting request from there), it should link it for you.
4) Once the old one's gone yeah, as the old email won't be in the system anymore :)

And just to head off two of the common premium hosting questions:

1) Uptime is better,
2) To move the free account to paid, once done purchasing paid you'll get a link to the paid clients area, which doesn't use the forums. Open a ticket with the cpanel username of your free account and request it be moved to paid; they'll copy the data over, including mysql. Configurations shouldn't need a change as far as database info goes as the host is still localhost, and all the usernames/passes/db names would migrate as well.

mike omar

New Member
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Thanks for the excellent reply. :)

I would therefore like to delete my hosting account. Do I give you my information now for a new hosting account or can I fill one out myself? I would prefer to fill a new form out myself and then link back here if thats ok.

I would like to fully delete my hosting and domain account. I understand that I will lose every thing, please proceed and delete.

Account Deletion Request - Please delete my free hosting account.

cPanel username: See Forum Username

(X) Inserting an X inside the parentheses signifies that I have made all necessary backups of my free hosting account and will not hold x10Hosting responsible for any data I am unable to recover after my free hosting account is deleted. The X also serves as my digital signature verifying that I have proper authorization to request account deletion of the account specified.

As for premium hosting, I need to find out what I can host on there. I will more ask later on that tho.
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Community Support Team
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Your forum username and cPanel username are not the same.
Please post your cPanel username for verification before we proceed.

mike omar

New Member
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I am very sorry, I usually login with my forum account name. I shall do it again.

cPanel username: dasilva

(X) Inserting an X inside the parentheses signifies that I have made all necessary backups of my free hosting account and will not hold x10Hosting responsible for any data I am unable to recover after my free hosting account is deleted. The X also serves as my digital signature verifying that I have proper authorization to request account deletion of the account specified.


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Escalating for account deletion.
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