resource tracking

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Is there anyway I can track my CPU resources usage etc? Right now I'm still just in testing phases and still have 99% work left before I can launch my site (in which case I'll switch over to premium). But I'd like to have an idea of how much resource I'm using, as I don't want to overburden the server and get my account suspended.

And secondly, I've looked at the benefits of going premium. It looks better but I'm not completely familiar with what I can expect from the given stats. So basically I'd just like to known if there is a great difference in cpu time I'd get by switching to premium. And will I be able to run rather intense processing?

I probably won't need it but it's always good to know. I'm hoping for a lot of users (like anyone else would). I might need a lot of encryption because I might store semi-sensitive info in my db.


ps. I'm so far very impressed with x10hosting :)

Nevermind. I did some more digging into the deep archives of the forums and found that it is not possible to get accurate values for CPU usage. I'd still like to know if I'd be fine if I have many members using captcha or something of the like. I read somewhere captcha is quite resource intensive.
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Community Support
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Nevermind. I did some more digging into the deep archives of the forums and found that it is not possible to get accurate values for CPU usage. I'd still like to know if I'd be fine if I have many members using captcha or something of the like. I read somewhere captcha is quite resource intensive.

Captchas can be resource intensive if they use the GD library to generate an image. Image manipulation is just one of those things that eats up resources. If you use a Captcha service such as ReCaptcha ( you let their servers do most of the work.

As far as limits go, X10 free is fairly generous on what you're allowed to use. 99% of X10 free users never hit any of the limits. The thing that paid has that free doesn't is guaranteed stability, 99.9% uptime, in fact. Whilst free hosting now is probably in the 95% plus range, there have been dips to much lower during random events. There's also a lot of random slowdowns on free during use/abuse peaks. Also, paid hosting support is much more prompt and you get staff assistance every time on the first time, unlike free where you get support from users like myself, who are privileged in some ways, but have minimal authority compared to a full staff member.

I'm glad you're impressed so far. Keep the questions coming; we're here to answer them! :D
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