Response to suspension+Request to backup site.

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I can not see how providing blogs to a supporting community is resell or in any other way a commercial or third party interaction or act and regardless of my views on this and apart from non of this seems right from any prospective, I am merely asking for a small window of time to backup my site and move to another host.
And might I add other hosts never minded I only moved here in fear of it getting too big and I didn\'t see anywhere in your TOS that said blogs weren\'t allowed I can go as even near to say that I distinctly remember asking about my setup in IRC and was told it was okay and I found a few mentions to running multiple blogs in the forums.

As far as I can see it sir as you so put it.
This site is in no way malicious, its a bit farfetched that only now you act upon my community regardless of what any rules you wish to base your actions on and if you wish for me to understand the matter more clearly then I wish for you to respond and give more information on your actions.
Best Regards.


Free Support Volunteer
Community Support
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It is okay to run multiple personal blogs for yourself only. Though, the suspension reason explains most of why you were suspended concerning the hosting of third-party content for other users. That is clearly outlined in the TOS that you agreed to when you signed up for an account. And your suspension reason actually quotes from the TOS.
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Abuse Compliance Officer
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I quoted it from the TOS cause I wanted to make darn clear why it was suspended. Blog hosting services also qualifies as Web Hosting Services, which the TOS clearly indicates you're not authorized to give away.

I normally overlook it, but not when -anyone- registering is instantly given a blog. I also checked into your complaints on high resource usage; 50%+ cpu for longer than 30 seconds with a single command, and was not bot generated (IE googlebot, yahoo slurp, etc). It was a legitimate suspension there, just as the current permanent one is.

Edit: I should note as well, I acted upon seeing the violation for the first time. Sometimes having a complaint forwarded to the abuse compliance officer for a more in-depth review isn't a good thing (HRU complaints brought this about after I was able to confirm it was a legitimate suspension, and then wondered why I was seeing 22 individual blogs hosted on your service).
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