I just returned from a longer trip abroad and found my accound suspended, which is absolutely no surprise. But now that I've done a bit of reading in the community forums I'm a bit concerned about unsuspending the account. Corey wrote that they will only restore accounts to the new server which weren't suspended at the time of the transfer. How exactly can I unsuspend my account with my site and my db intact?
Sorry if I'm causing unneccesary stress, but I'm really worried right now if I lost my files or not.
Thanks for your answers,
I just returned from a longer trip abroad and found my accound suspended, which is absolutely no surprise. But now that I've done a bit of reading in the community forums I'm a bit concerned about unsuspending the account. Corey wrote that they will only restore accounts to the new server which weren't suspended at the time of the transfer. How exactly can I unsuspend my account with my site and my db intact?
Sorry if I'm causing unneccesary stress, but I'm really worried right now if I lost my files or not.
Thanks for your answers,