review my game site


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Well, from the first looks at it, it might look like and interesting site, but the main problem with it is that there is not content on the mainpage really other than an add, and the game platform navigation buttons.

I'm also having a little trouble trying to tell what the point of this website is from the first look, maybe you should add something in the upper corners saying "New to gamewars? click this link!", and that should explain it to your viewers.

For the logo/text that says "Game Wars", take out the gradient background (turn it into a transparent background), and add a 5 pixel thick white line around the text, it would just look so much more appealing.

I do have to say that the background image is nice, except for the fact that it does not cover the whole background, I would suggest setting the background color to the darkest green in the BG images, and then cutting out the Hexagons in the background to just one hexagon, and then have them repeating across and down.

Back onto the mainpage:
Add a blog to it, seriously.
There are many Blogging softwares (or CMS's) that you can modify both templates and CSS to fit the look that you want, and it can provide your users with updates about "Game Wars"

Add a forum:
Your website strikes me as something for a community oriented thing, so why not add a Forum.
I'd recommend installing MyBB, It's awesomely powerful, and easy to use.
There is also phpBB, which I wold reccomend after MyBB.

As for the idea of "Game Wars", Its an interesting idea to try to get people to sign up for competitions, I'd say to keep going at it, but first, get the site fixed.

If you need any help, just ask.


New Member
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thanks man that really help I will try to do them i just got to find out for some but I will look in to it.


New Member
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Your Forum will fail, You should have about a maximum of 5 absolute max
General Chat
Console's and there games
PC Games/hacks mods
You will only need that many forums once people start asking for a section for Xbox and Play station ect make them but not before then. BTW I like the theam you have going on the forums but you should integrate them to be part of your website