review my site


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it uses frames and has some games, i use frames so ppl think that i made the forum and gusest book
plz rate 1-100


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1) frames are outdated
2) frames will never make people think you made anything
3) that is plagarism

sorry for being critical.


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ya frames can never do good and its illegal too
i used iframes in my site but the pages which were framed were all mine


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why are frames illegal? it makes it easy to change the infomation. and it's, if anyone wants to complain say how i can make it better i only use free programs and no trials, i have frountpage Ultraedit Office 2002 Mozila firefox nvu visual basic free version and very basic programming knowledge except html

with the plagerism, on every single place i went to it said how to put it in my website ( had <embed src=""/> ) and most of the websites had the code made only for putting in personal websites

off topic how do i use silverlight, the free version of flash by microsoft but it isn't as easy to use .
also i'm giving 50 credits for each point of good advice to make my website better.
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Haha! Frames are not illegal!!!
Design - Ouch! The background is very distracting, repeated fireworks are pretty hideous I have to say. Having games all in a column without gaps between is a bad idea too. In short, there is too much going on at once on the home page, why not make a linking page to the games where users can simply click on the link/icon to play the game they want?
the frames are ok


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i did make a separate games page and removed them from the home page, i will change the background but i can't deciede what background to use the link is


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Rules of thumb for making a website (some of which you may or may not be in violation of)

1. When adding sounds and music to your webpage, you have to realize that in order for the page to be popular, people are going to hear the same sound/song 100s or even 1000s of times. At no point in time should the user feel annoyed. If the user begins to feel annoyed, then the webpage is better off without the sounds at all.

Directly related to you, I think that your sounds do get fairly annoying.

2. Frames are generally bad. Good website builders try to avoid them.

You pulled off the frames fairly well, with the exception of the fact that some of the stuff is cut off.

3. Marquee is bad. I'm not quite sure why, but I've heard that marquee is bad.

4. Being flashy is like a spice. If your website is too flashy, it will not look good. If a chicken noodle soup is too spicy, it will taste terrible.

There are areas of your site that are too flashy. There are also areas of your site that are not flashy enough.

More specific advice:

If you have a coming soon, unlink it, so if users click on it they are not given a 404 error.

Your pages are inconsistent in your "fanciness." Some pages are white backgrounds and plain text, and others (homepage) have very colorful text and flashy backgrounds.

And finally, some of your pages are too long. If your page starts getting to where the user need to scroll a lot, you should probably cut in into two or more separate pages.

An example would be your homepage. Your polls should probably moved to the poll page, and your games should probably each have their own page, and a description of the game. Videos should also have their own page.

Your page is good, it just needs a little refining.
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I haven't heard anything because i needed my speakers for something else, why are frames bad, don't say anything about printing because i've made a button for printing a page that works and don't say anything about going to the last page you've bben to becaues im trying to use javascript to fix that.

why is marquee bad, it just makes it easier to display information, has anyone seen news programs with marquee style text.

what is with my website and spice, i'm trying to get the content right, and then i'll focus on design after, i made this website 3rd december!!

i put the games on a separete page but my ftp client isn't working so it will be very different when i get it working

I'll unlink the coming soon links and with the length, i want people to vote on the polls when they see

i'll put the videos on a different page as well
does anyone know how to change the volume of a embeded flash game or how to get filezilla working, it worked a week ago but not now, it says

Status: Resolving IP-Address for
Status: Connecting to
Status: Connection established, waiting for welcome message...
Error: Could not connect to server
Status: Waiting to retry...
Status: Resolving IP-Address for
Status: Connecting to
Status: Connection established, waiting for welcome message...
Error: Could not connect to server
Status: Waiting to retry...
Status: Resolving IP-Address for
Status: Connecting to
Status: Connection established, waiting for welcome message...
Error: Connection attempt interrupted by user
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Abuse Compliance Officer
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@Scummerz: I've scoured this thread no less than 4 times.

I still can't find a link to your site, which automatically means my review will NOT be higher than 8/10 for the hassle of having to look through your post history to discover it is (if it's not, ignore my review).

Ok, first and foremost, what is with that animated fireworks graphic for a background? Am I supposed to want to close the page as soon as I open it, cause that's about what it's doing for me.

As for the frames, I've got nothing against them other than that I have never seen a site actually use them efficiently. Yours is included in that group.

Top frame: Extremely bland. Standard size banner that does absolutely nothing but link to the homepage - I'm all for linking to the home page, but why is it that this frame doesn't even appear to be from the same site? It's got almost nothing in common with the other 3 frames other than it saying scummerz in it. And just cause I'm a grammer nazi, Scummerz should be capitalized in that banner.

Left frame: Now here's a spot I actually DON'T have a complaint about. It looks good, and works quite well. It'd be better if it matched the rest of the site, and I found out why it doesn't. It appears to be the slashdot menu code (for anyone curious, view the source of that frame - flat out says: )
* Slashdot Menu script- By DimX
(along with where to get it for your own site)

Main frame: I've already said my piece about that fireworks graphic, so I'll just continue on past it.

It seems your site has some "content confusion" - says right at the top it's about soccer, and yet I've got old-skool flash games running on the front page (Galaga, Pacman, Donkey Kong, and Space Invaders, in the order that my browser asked me to load them).

To say it best, I'll use a 3 letter chat-speak abbreviation: WTF. If I wanted to play games, I wouldn't be going to a site about a soccer team I've never heard of. I'd be on coffeebreakarcade, or shockwave's homepage, or newgrounds, but not on a site that apparently is supposed to be about a soccer team.

Bottom frame: Another interesting one. I'm browsing in 1280x1024; the image that's set as a background in the bottom frame tiles because of this. I guess the REALLY bad part is the image has someones name, phone, mobile (?), email, and physical address WRITTEN RIGHT ON IT! Over the top is some text that has your email and your name. Gotta admit - it looks horrible on that image. Add to the fact that the image doesn't have YOUR name on it, and I'm not even positive who really designed the site anymore.

Short version:
Graphics: 2/10. Fireworks are distracting, the banner's got issues, the left frame doesn't match ANYTHING on the site, and the bottom frame has an image that doesn't really appear to belong.
Sound: -10/10. You're officially the first site I've reviewed anywhere that actually got a negative number - the reason for this one's simple - Donkey Kong started playing on its own. Soccer site with donkey kong music? Nuh uh. Ain't going there.
Layout: 2/10. Frames are good if done well, and like I mentioned earlier, I have NEVER seen them done well - your site is using them for organization, but it's really falling flat since everything on the site itself seems extremely dis-organized.
Content: 0/10. Content confusion, and on the front page I've got just a sentence or two about what the "Scummerz" are, but then absolutely nothing else - I've got 4 crappy flash games and an unrelated movie instead.

Overall: 2/10 cause I'm feeling overly critical and didn't bother to go into any of the other pages on the site. Theres a good chance some of the other pages were put together better than the front one.

However there's a problem - most users won't stick around after seeing something that dis-organized. That includes even me when I'm trying to do as constructive a review as I can.

As for changing the volume on an embedded flash game, I don't believe thats possible without editing the source to the flash game itself. I might be mistaken on that, but none of the games are loading from your webpage - if I'm right, your only option is to move them off of that page so people don't immediately click close as soon as Donkey Kong starts up.


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i added the firefork on new years eve and i can't change it because of my account being suspended or some updates, the sound was because i have no speakers and i just used some earphones and heard it when somepne pointed it out, i am going to change it and the games aren't going to be on the homepage when i can change it but i cannot because of x10hosting crazy rules.The website is for my soccer team and my own so it can be confusing unless u know me and my love for classic arcade games, im a little bit confused on how to make vertical menus without frames so i added fames, i read slashdot a lot and i like their menus so i did a bit of research and found what i have. if u knew that i have only taught myself everything i know about html and that i've only had the websbite for 1 month but with x10hosting reliability i haven't been able to update and i've had other things to do it's ok for someones 1st website (except for websites where i used wysiwyg editors but i didn't use that for this). the first paragraph basically says what it's about but i've changed it a bit, i'm going to put donkey kong on another page when i can
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I like the nav bar well enough.
I second the opinion on the fireworks and sounds.
I think the games should leave the main page in favor of something to read and a simple picture or two. Try screenshotting each game's intro screen and lining those pics up along the right side of the page. That way I can go "Oh cool I love pacman....Click!" and then place a handy banner ad or two on the games page. great attraction and makes money too!
As far as a background goes, a basic color fade from top to bottom would be a huge step in the right direction.
You might also consider putting the counter in the bottom frame and rearrange the stuff down there. I viewed it in IE7 at 1440x900 and the bottom frame overlapped all the text in the center.
Collectively your pages also lack a consistant theme. When making a site, you don't need anything too elaborate; just nice, and consistant throughout all the pages in the site. Remember:
That will have you most of the time. Good luck!


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Hi there id need a link to check out your site but w=one thing i noticed is noone gave you an alternative to using frames frames are generaly good for layouts.
bad do have performance hits but anything your gona add will be one so dont worrie about if it loads fast your fine.

I am gona make a sugestion to you instead of frames use CSS style sheet you can use what are knowen as (DIV) elements they are great for laying out your page and you can get very precise control over where everything goes.

On top of that u can make your web page work with almost any resoultion dont get my wrong elements of the web page will stay the same size unless you go beyond the call of duty to make them resize based on the clients resolution display. But at the very least you can have everything center itself nicely.

I must agree somewhat with the last post playing sound on a web page is a bad idea unless there is the given option of turning it on. Abit of flashyness is also ok in moderation like any kind of programing witch i am fairly well versed with, is to keep it simple and user freidnly the way you do that is to make it simaler to standered apps. Eg. Keep controls and specif data grouped and where users are most likly to look for something have it there instead of the user digging for it. one must realize just because it makes sence to you does not mean it does to everyone else.

Since i have not seen the page i cannot say much past these tips but defintly look up CSS Style sheets. Ps if your gona use frames use one and one only and make it an iframe so you can put it where you want.

an example of grouping controls is like this.

Say your loged in and you have a whole wak load of links on the left hand side.
Links to everything on the site <-- bad put a link a set of links Eg if theres a gallery use gallery then when they click it can reload the menu deisplaying the specif links there is nothing worse then a huge list you do not want to look through.

Regards XainFaith

Ps check out for helpful and easy to understand web building tutorials and lots of stuff about CSS Style sheets and more.
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well, its not the best web site i've seen - im sure you know that.

But for a first attempt it is quite typical. Beginners to web development often feel the need to use frames (i know i did) this is because they want a consistent look on all the pages, and dont know how else to do it.

Keep at it though, and keep learning! There are lots of good tutorials at, and also

Frames are considered bad because they make it difficult for search engines to index, and are not accessible (audio browsers, tv browsers, mobile browsers etc). But for a personal website like that it really doesn't matter.

Btw, dont make excuses... people here are not trying to attack you, they are giving constructive criticism - which will help you improve.


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if i didn't use frames, wouldn't every page have to have the menus? and make the page load slower


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yes, and no

every page would need its own menu, but load time really isn't a problem - and if it is frames are not the answer. (just trust us frames are bad)

The trouble with having the menu on every page is generally you would have to update all your pages to change one thing. This is generally solved using php, cms's or css. (google cms). But this gets more complicates, and takes a while to figure out.

(btw, i belive i did provide you a galaga game with source :))