First things first, I would like to say that I like the very clean cut style of the website. It has a nice set of colours with it, and I like how it has been built using Bootstrap, which should make it mobile friendly (haven't tested that yet, perhaps I will later). Everything loads fast, and well, no errors produced, with every page loading where it should.
I have to agree with Essellar though, I feel you need some sort of welcome message on the main front page. This is important, as it helps the visitor to gain a perspective of what the website is all about. I would also add in extra content yourself, start filling out different posts with various news articles about technology perhaps. As the community grows, the content will grow with it, but you need that beginning content to help entice visitors into the website. If i came to the website and saw nothing of interest, I would leave and find somewhere that did have what I needed, so content is a very important part of building a successful forum/website.
Other than that, great looking site, loads fast. Keep up the great work!