I play RuneScape, and I created the soon-to-be most powerful clan in it!

I'm level 93 now. =D
You guys give up too easily... quitting when you're only lv 50? And getting killed in the game isn't a good reason to quit either. And your account hacking *usually* only happens to idiots who have an easily guessed password, set easy recovery questions, or they tell it to someone. Having a recovery question like "what is the name of my dog" is no good because anyone who knows you could find out. So it's usually your own fault if you get hacked. There are a few rare exceptions, though. =D
And FYI, RuneScape isn't nooby like it used to be. It got a huge graphical update and many other new features, including a brand new trading system with the Grand Exchange, and you can no longer kill players in the wilderness. They're planning on making pking worlds though, where anyone can kill anyone anywhere.