Running a Social Network on VPS

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This is nothing related to the previous ticket.

I was wondering if running a Social network like Facebook is OK to do on x10vps, or if I should find another hosting company. Of course, I would probably have to get a Dedicated server for this, not a Fair share server, and keep upgrading the server as I get more users to eat up the bandwidth and the CPU, and disk space. I know many people who upload pictures of themselves to facebook in huge amounts every day, so please use that information to determine whether or not it is OK to use x10vps for this.

I already have drawings of how the social network is going to look like. It's got quite a few features that I'm pretty sure none of the others have. One cool feature is push notifications to send pop-up alerts to users on their computer even though the social network website isn't open on their computer. Because it's done by push technology, not as much bandwidth is eaten up, because the server connects to the client to deliver a notification only as needed, rather than the client connecting every 5 seconds to request an update.

(and of course, I will not upload any copyrighted works up there, however the users of the social network might, and I'll have to stop them, disable their access, tell them they broke the law, my TOS, and last but not least, x10's TOS. :p)


Abuse Compliance Officer
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VPS should work; the important section for that last part is gunna be in section 12 regarding suspension or termination. Based off of some of the VPS tickets I've seen come in from the Datacenter, we don't usually instant-kill - we contact you first to let you know where the bad stuff is so it can get removed. If you fail to remove it, -then- it goes away.

There's a few cases where that doesn't hold up though; phishing, for instance, will always net an instant kill, even if you get a chance to take it down.

For the most part the VPS TOS is almost designed specifically for what you have in mind - you're still responsible for what gets uploaded, but you're given more of a chance than you are on free if/when someone sends in a DMCA about the content.


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Well, it's great to know that x10 will give a little help on finding TOS breakers. :p

I still have to write the server and client code, and then of course, test to make sure it works as expected.

A couple more things
-- What I'm aiming for is something as big as Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, etc., but I may start with invite-only registration. Do you know anyone who may have experience with something like this and possible could give me information? I believe Facebook has a huge data centre, I don't know about MySpace though, I haven't done enough research.
-- If I run a RuneScape bot (such as NeXus iBot, or RSBot) is the server capable of running the game client?

Thanks for your time, I will come back to check this ticket in the morning. (Eastern Time)
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In regards to the bot, I'm not sure if they're legal or not, but assuming they are, you would need one of our dedicated vps plans ( in order to run it. The Terms of Service for normal VPSes disallow continuously running scripts/bots, whereas Dedicated plans allow it.

For your other question, a VPS is more than enough to start out with. If you find yourself expanding and needing more room, that's when you should be looking at upgrading your VPS plan or moving to a dedicated server(s).
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