Saving Not Working in WP, Other Questions


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1. Some problem with server? WP won't save pages in block editor. Tried multiple themes. Checked and optimized database. Disabled all plugins. Worked yesterday. File manager is fast and can view pages I've already made.

2. I want to troubleshoot but not finding today's logs anywhere. Where are php error logs? Tried WP plugins to read them and get nothing.

3. Where is php.ini?

4. Trying to make a contact form that emails me on the cheap, without buying a plugin. Do you block php from connecting via SMTP (tls) to send email from a web form on my site to me via email? It seems like it worked twice then stopped.

Thanks much, great site to get up and running for development and tests.


New Member
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1. Some problem with server? WP won't save pages in block editor. Tried multiple themes. Checked and optimized database. Disabled all plugins. Worked yesterday. File manager is fast and can view pages I've already made.

2. I want to troubleshoot but not finding today's logs anywhere. Where are php error logs? Tried WP plugins to read them and get nothing.

3. Where is php.ini?

4. Trying to make a contact form that emails me on the cheap, without buying a plugin. Do you block php from connecting via SMTP (tls) to send email from a web form on my site to me via email? It seems like it worked twice then stopped.

Thanks much, great site to get up and running for development and tests.
Here's the fix for WP not saving. Not any x10 problem as far as I can see. Looking at Firefox inspector I see AJAX errors:

XHRGET[HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden 3186ms]

XHROPTIONS[HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden 2652ms]

XHRGET[HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden 3347ms]

XHRPOST[HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden 3258ms]


[x] So the site health shows The REST API is available.

The REST API is one way that WordPress and other applications communicate with the server. The block editor screen relies on the REST API to display and save your posts and pages.

Installed "REST API Log Entries" plugin. I see REST errors. 403 Forbidden.

Next I tried the "API Bearer Auth" plugin

I installed the "MiniOrange API Authentication" plugin and set up basic authentication then tested REST and it worked.

Now when I try to save in block editor, I get "Updating failed." The MiniOrange plugin tells me 4 API calls were "Missing Authorization Header".

[x] All plugins are disabled except the API troubleshooting ones now.

[x] my .htaccess does include

RewriteEngine On

RewriteRule .* - [E=HTTP_AUTHORIZATION:%{HTTP:Authorization}]

[x] I have reset my permalinks by hitting the save button under Settings | Permalinks.

I see in the REST API logs Response body "rest_cookie_invalid_nonce" and "Cookie check failed". Great clue!

Firefox is blocking cross site cookies in all windows on Standard security mode. I cleared all cookies then logged in to WordPress.
