Script not working though permissions seem correct

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I am new to this hpsting site, and as far as I can see its very good, though I am having some problems setting up a script on the server. As far as I can see the settings are correct, but even after trying many combinations I can;t get past the index page of the script index. I have used the script before and all went well, but it does say that permissions can be different on some servers. I will copy the script here and hope you can help me with it.
The files have (tarot_vars) have been updated with the correct web address information and root file.
Thank for a really good host server. I only hope I can get this page sorted so as to get the rest online as soon as possible
Dave Pearce


There are six files required for the tarot script to operate.

1. tarot.cgi - the script itself which should not in most cases need to be modified.

2. deck.cgi - a text database of your cards in the deck for ALL the spreads. It will be modified
as you add new spreads. There should normally be only one deck.cgi file but depending on complexity,
you may want more. It's extension is ".cgi" only for security reasons. It is not a script itself.

3. spreadtemplate.html - a template of how your spread reading will look. You can modify this to
change the spread look and add spread cards (By using tokens. We will elaborate later.) You will
need a different spreadtemplate.html file for each type of spread you wish to display to your visitors.

4. index.html - The first page your visitors will see. This file asks for the visitors name and
a question, after which, it runs tarot.cgi and returns the spread results. You can modify it to
look the way you want. You will need a separate index.html file for each spread type.

5. tarot_vars.cgi - Variables used for by tarot.cgi

Script operation:

The visitor sees index.html first. They enter their name and question, and possibly email address.
After clicking on the submit button, the page sends the name, question, location of vars.cgi, and
the current time to the tarot.cgi script. The tarot.cgi script opens the deck and shuffles the card
database (deck.cgi) and chooses the cards. The script then opens the spread template (/tarot/spreads/)
and places the cards on the spread template then sends the result to your visitor.

The script uses cookies allowing only one reading per day for each Name/Question combination.
If you ask a different question, you will get a different reading. If you ask the same question,
the same reading will show up for that day.


1. Edit the tarot.cgi to make sure the path to perl is correct for your web host server, i.e.,
***Warning***: Ensure that your text editor you use does not modify line returns in any way and
that 'word wrap' is off!

2. modify the first part of tarot_vars.cgi to suit your server's settings.

3. Upload the contents of the 'cgi' directory to your server in ASCII format.
Note, your server may require 'cgi-bin'.

The directory structure and permissions should look similar to:

755 /cgi/tarot/
755 /cgi/tarot/tarot.cgi
755 /cgi/tarot/tarrot_vars.cgi
777 /cgi/tarot/data/
777 /cgi/tarot/data/
777 /cgi/tarot/data/email_archive
777 /cgi/tarot/data/email_delay
777 /cgi/tarot/data/question_archive
777 /cgi/tarot/data/txn_id

Note: Your server may require different permissions than those shown. Contact your server provider
if you are unsure.

4. Edit all index.html files in the

You should only need to edit:
<FORM NAME="TarotForm" ACTION="/cgi/tarot/tarot.cgi" TARGET="_blank">
to reflect your cgi directory.
If your cgi dirctory is cgi-bin use:
<FORM NAME="TarotForm" ACTION="/cgi-bin/tarot/tarot.cgi" TARGET="_blank">
default is set to cgi

5. Modify the deck.cgi files if desired (see below). The default should be just fine for now.

6. Modify /tarot/spreads/ files if desired (see below). The default should be just fine for now.

7. Modify vars.cgi files if desired (see below). The default should be just fine for now.

8. Upload the contents of the '/tarot/databases/' and '/tarot/spreads/' directories to your server
in ASCII format.
Upload the contents of the '/tarot/images/' directory to your server in BINARY format.

The directory structure and permissions should look similar to:

755 /tarot/databases/
755 /tarot/images/
755 /tarot/images/Rider_Waite/
755 /tarot/images/Rider_Waite/normal/
755 /tarot/images/Rider_Waite/reversed/
755 /tarot/spreads/
all files within these directories to 755

Note: Your server may require different permissions than those shown. Contact your server provider
if you are unsure.

9. Direct your visitors to the index.html file.

10. At this point the script is fully functional with default settings. If you wish to modify
it, see the instructions below.

11. IMPORTANT!!! The /cgi/tarot/data/ directory logs tarot readings for administrative purposes.
It is strongly suggested that you password protect this directory with an .htaccess file
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